How does anyone in this situation find it in them to seek help for mental health problems? I'm one of those long-term NEETs who can go outside very occasionally (think once every few weeks), mostly to stock up on bare necessities I need for the long-haul in isolation, but it exhausts me to no end.
To add to this, my already fragile mental health (generalised anxiety/clinical depressive disorders) has been deteriorating even more this past year than before, and now I can't even take care of those basic needs reliably anymore. I know the solution is to go back to my doctor or even see if my old therapist would see me again, but how does one find not only the courage, but the desire to seek out such serious and draining help when you can't even shower most days or hardly want to get out of bed? I used to imagine that I could go back anytime, because if I timed it to one of those days I had to go out anyway, it would be easier. But I've started relying on others like a fucking leech to bring back all the stuff I need for me sometimes. I'm probably moving one step closer to full unbroken isolation, and it sucks.
On any days where I feel "better" I prefer to ride the wave of that small high, and then I'm right back down where I started. I know that most of us losers here are stuck in similar cycles of inaction, because all we need to do is "just go to therapy and get a job lol", but it feels like I'm not going to break out of it, because I've been stuck in it so long that I don't even know what it means to "break out of it" now.
What do, /hikki/?
you just, find the courage. just do it. that's literally it. and then stick to a routine. there is no How's or magic tricks because it's all up to you.
Hey OP, maybe you could try to stock up on less things in a lesser amount of time. For example instead of buying 5 weeks worth of food every 5 weeks you could buy 2 weeks worth of food every 2 weeks. I did this and eventually I got down to a day worth of food every day. You can go out during the night, or in the rain when no one is around. That's what I did. I still don't have a job but I'm way more confident in myself now
>>6664Infuriatingly, I know you're right.
>>6665Good on you, anon. I'll probably try to start with something similar, and see if I can ease myself into going out more often despite myself. Thanks.
>But I've started relying on others like a fucking leech to bring back all the stuff I need for me sometimes
If it makes you feel any better, this is usually the norm for NEETs.
>>6685I used to have a deranged kind of "pride" from taking care of myself in some small way, so it stings a bit to end up getting worse like this.