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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I blocked almost all imageboards, forums, porn sites, discord and youtube from my router, changed the password to a random one hard to type one, and scheduled an email to be sent to myself with the password one mont from now.

For three days I have been cut from using the internet as cheap entertainment. I wonder if I should have cut music streaming sites too.

Seems like I missed blocking this site but it doesn't seem too active anyway so I'm safe.

Manga and books are getting a bit stale. Went through four of each.

I don't know what I'm going to accomplish with this. I'm curious if anyone has done this nosurf/nofap/whatever thing. I don't really care for the outcome.


As you i've been fighting with all of the poison that the world of the internet had normalized, i can tell you from my experience that just virtually blocking the websites won't really help at all in the long term. A thing that has really helped me is thinking about my condition as a living and rational human being that has control over his actions, if i fall on watching porn or whatever thing that causes me danger it isn't because some strange possesion that's going over me, it's because i voluntarily wanted do it and i did so, and if i have all the control to do those things that are really hurting me, why can't i do the same for just stop doing it? That thought is something that i've managed to be really present in my mind. Another thing that i suggest you to do is seeking help, go to a psychologist and talk about your problems i can ensure you that will really help. I'm sorry if i didn't explain myself well i ain't a native english speaker. I really hope that you will be clearing your mind and having a good life.


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A month is excessive. Nofap/nosurf don't really work as advertised. I recommend going 2 days without internet first. During that time, you either do something productive or find offline entertainment. What you're looking for is similar to a dopamine detox, only it's a "digital" detox. What difficulty do you want?

a) No Internet (internal network traffic is fine)
b) No Internet, PC, or phone if you have one
c) No screens at all. Only paper media, radio etc. are allowed for entertainment.

As >>6595 alluded to, blocking sites or relying on other external resources won't work as well as your own willpower. You must be able to get to a point where you still have unfettered access but can disconnect at will. At that point, you're using your devices and not the other way around. I stopped using shitcord entirely from mid-March to mid-May this year and it was very calming and empowering. More free time, less pseudo-social urges. Regarding youtube specifically, you can take away 90% of its addictive power by not using the app ever, and only looking at your subscriptions. You can even make RSS feeds out of your subs.


I've taken various internet breaks from a few months to a year. You kinda have to have a solid goal your internet addiction was keeping you from achieving to get real results, otherwise you just feel kind of bored and are likely to come back the same as ever and repeat the same habits.

But maybe after a month of cold turkey you'll see how vapid and dull a lot of the content out there is. Most of it feels so stupid I just cba to look or care. imo even the hardcore digital/dopamine detox stuff is in a similar realm of retarded and still saps up your time. Just think of the internet as a pantry packed full of sweets you know better than to binge on and practice mindfulness. But yeah, sometimes it helps to throw out all the junk at first.

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