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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Is anyone else sad when their posts get no replies? I don't mean here but on bigger sites. I'm kinda lonely.


All the time. This is why I tend to stick with smaller communities, I feel there is a lot more interaction there. I feel my own (and other people's) comments are just drowned out by the sheer amount of activity in larger chats and boards.


Yes but >>6327 said it very well.
Within large communities a single post gets lost in the flood very fast. On smaller IBs people tend to read every new post, simply because there are less than 10 or even less than 5 since the last visit.


Don't get too discouraged; I've made posts that garnered zero attention, but then posting the exact same thing the day after would net me tens of replies. Guess just some days the right people just aren't reading your post.


Thats why i hate discord servers and basically any type of fast interaction , too much to comprehend.


I don't know if this exactly counts, but I'll always keep check of what I said to see if anyone got back to me, and then when they do I get embarrassed and take a really long time to actually look at it, let alone reply


Definitely. I have friends on Twitter, for example, with hundreds of followers and tons of friends. Some of them gained them in just a few months. I've had 2 accounts and both times it took more than a year and using it every day, posting several times a day, constant interaction, to just get past 100. I was part of a group of meme accounts even where they got tons of attention and still I was the smallest.
I just wanna be acknowledged


>All the time. This is why I tend to stick with smaller communities
It's either post on a big chan and get no replies, or post on an small imageboard and get a reply in three months


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I made a thread with a similar topic 3 years ago on the 4 and got this reply


> It's either post on a big chan and get no replies, or post on an small imageboard and get a reply in three months
Well you just got your reply within a day, even though it provides nothing of value.


sometimes I feel like I'm behaving unlike myself in order to receive fake (you)s, outside of this reply


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i guess yeah. But putting your heart into a post only to get a low quality reply kinda makes me a little irritated but still content with having my post read.
I dislike discord for this exact reason. Also filled with people I feel like I am far past being able to relate to.
Social media in general seems like that though…


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>putting your heart into a post only to get a low quality reply kinda makes me a little irritated but still content with having my post read.

Yeah same. I'll vent out my entire childhood and it will only get a "shit happens" lol. Not like I'm upset about it, it's kind of on me to put this all on some random anons, but I still appreciate they take the time to reply to my stuff.


Its disheartening but I don't get worked up about it. There's plenty of reasons why a post might not get anyone replying to it and its not a good idea to jump to conclusions.
On boards like this with little activity it can take days, perhaps weeks before you receive a reply.


My empathy has been activated and I feel the need to respond to every post in this thread. This is making me feel actual pain. I must contain it and only reply to what I immediately read, and not read too much, or I won't have the time to do anything before sleeping. Do not apply that logic to me, I understand that people can't reply to everything and aren't always in the mood to do so, and then just forget about it. Please kill me and end my suffering.

Or not enough, since replying to older messages feels kinda weird. Very unbalanced. Either too much, so you can't have a good discussion, or nothing at all to talk about. And how do you start a discussion? Who do you talk to? Everyone? That's kinda weird. And even if you do talk to one person, isn't it awkward to know what everyone can read what you're saying? I don't know, I never liked being around groups of people in real life, and online it's not really better.

My posts tend to be longer and more detailed than most. Most of them are responses to other posts, and I tend to respond to anyone that responds to me as long as I have something to say, so in a way, it's good when I don't get a response, because someone will have to end the discussion and it typically won't be me unless there is really nothing else to be said.

I can pretty much only commonly relate to people on dead imageboards. There are not that many people that I talked to in the past that enjoyed interacting with enough to clearly and fondly remember, but almost all of those have been on imageboards. Occasionally comments somewhere else, but that only happened a couple of times.

Sometimes what people say can be overwhelming, and responding can be difficult. I know that I struggled with that before. Especially when people say a bunch of truly horrible things, I can struggle to even know how to react appropriately. I'm sure that I made other people feel the same in the past. I could tell.

And people can be reluctant to revive old threads or respond to posts that are too old in general. Maybe assume that the poster isn't even checking the thread anymore.


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>Sometimes what people say can be overwhelming, and responding can be difficult. I know that I struggled with that before. Especially when people say a bunch of truly horrible things, I can struggle to even know how to react appropriately. I'm sure that I made other people feel the same in the past. I could tell.
I relate and really feel what you're saying since this just happened to me yesterday. I tried to interact with people outside of what I'd usually browse, on an 8gag spinoff to see if it was any good, but they were pretty hostile. Maybe it was because I tried to make a random rambling post to fit in, but yeah I feel like I am just failing really hard at trying to branch out because deep inside most people on imageboards look down on people who aren't the regular kind that they expect. I wish I understood people, even those who I think would get me. Honestly I wish there was a better alternative besides imageboards but there just isn't.


>person asks something
>I and another person reply
>OP only talks to the other person
sounds like real life.


Seems that way. I can only relate to a few people in boards like this and for the most part that's about it because I guess I'm too weird, but it never goes beyond that because leaving contact information at all feels like pressuring people too much, so I have never done it.


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>I wish I understood people, even those who I think would get me

Relate to this a lot. I think that's what makes finding places I can interact in so special for me, though: I feel somewhat more understood, and like I can understand more. Maybe it's just because of the similar pains we find ourselves going through that many of us find boards like this more welcoming.

I tend to get worked up about this, as well. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if the way I speak/type makes me seem like either a stuffy arsehole who is impossible to talk to, or just a total retard, even if the actual content of what I say is the same as another person.


I wish hikkichan still existed so you could regularly get replies

though I'd want it to be a hard vetted site so people don't just come in and pretend

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