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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I have failed again it seems that I keep wasting a day away and then starting the work at the last moment, I have tried every reformation but it all makes it go worse I don't know what I can do to fix it, I dunno what gets into me in the day, I have no idea about why I made the decisions I made, what the fuck do I do? what the fuck can I do right now to ensure that I don't fuck up tomorrow morning? it's as if I am a different person, I really have no fucking idea anymore, everything I have tried has failed, I can't fucking give up.

I broke every vow I ever took over the past few years, I lied and lied whenever it was convenient

I was able to stop being a neet but I only ended up making my situation worse, I am trying to cover HS with homeschooling since I dropped out ages ago.

I have no idea what I should do I wish I was convinced in what I was doing but every fibre of my body wants to go back to being a neet, I have to cover up an years syllabus in 2-3 weeks if I don't wanna waste an year.



What exactly is keeping you from achieving, anon? Lack of concentration? Laziness? Too much to do?



From my personal experience social media is a big time sink , think reddit snapchat instagram and tiktok and perhaps even youtube. I whould say youtube is the best out of the aforementioned imo as "entertainment platforms" because you can just put in in the backround while you persue a hobby (ie. drawing) but can still be a big time sink.

And you dont even realise it , you just get from work/school/wakeup/whatever the fuck you where supposed to do then go on social media and start mindlessly scrolling , its more of a reflex/reaction than anything , like if bored then social media , but because you get a steady ammount of dopamine/seretonin you keep browsing , the ammount isnt great , its just enought to make you feel "meh" and most importantly for the owners of the app, its enought to keep you there for the longest ammount of time.

Again , its more of a reflex than an addiction , i have quit reddit by getting the "delayed gratification" plug in , setting a 30 sec timer on reddit every 5 min and it seems to have worked. While i turned to youtube and grindy repetitive videogames/playing them in a grindy repetitive manner/stuff that doesnt require a lot of mental effort.

I whould usually have some sort of withdrawl when i stopped playing videogames (it was just mental: aka bad feelings like apathy) but for reddit nothing changed wherer i was browsing or not. same sensation of apathy. Just the reflex like sensation that comes from time to time by some triggers that i am not aware of (likely boredom triggers it time to time) that is usually fought off by the 30s countdown

TL:DR: Quit social media , its not as hard as you think it is,the delayed gratification plugin is a god send for it.

(Delayed gratification plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/delayed-gratification/ifhndomfnbmggdgodaicfebeggdphlcn?hl=en)

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