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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Anyone else here have a psychotic disorder? I have psychotic depression; professionally diagnosed, of course. I often feel like I'm worth less than a grain of sand, and feel paranoid that demons are coming to get me and are conspiring to fuck up my life, and people are constantly laughing at and talking about me while on campus. I feel like my psychosis came before the depression, considering I've always been quite paranoid, and I didn't get really depressed until I was 15. I guess my psych sees the psychosis side of things as worse too, since I'm on an 80 mg antipsychotic and a 10 mg antidepressant.

I'm curious whether or not any of you NEETerinos, or anyone else lurking, I guess, have similar disorders.


I have a disorder, schizophrenia, and i had similar simptoms, i don't have longer any simptom since 6 years ago, but i still take the medication.


Same here. I'm diagnosed with psychotic depression as well, it's fucked. I don't know what to tell you. I'm on Quetiapine nowadays so the voices talk less.


severe bipolar here. am not in a severe episode now (first time in years) but i get symptoms in both depression and mania. first happened when i was 13.. its not paranoia though, i cant imagine what its like to be paranoid on top of the awful stuff

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