I try not to get caught in that type of emotional longing. It's easier said than done but it's possible to avoid the feeling a lot of times if you have something to fill your time. Passive hobbies are easy but dangerous to over-indulge, so I wouldn't try to use it video-games or watching anime too much for this. Basically you want to fill your time and get busy inside your room. So far I've learned a second language, keep my stuff clean, learned to cook, to make kombucha and lots of small things. I've also talk to myself, there are weeks I talk to myself a lot, usually in a question and answer format, like I'm been interviewd. I have come to know myself a lot better that way, believe it or not. There's a whole person inside of you you don't know very well until you start doing these interviews. It's amusing when I think about it. Other than that I do use games, youtube and some times movies to distract myself fairly often. Just remember to not depend on those too much. Right now every time I get angst or I perceive some negative emotion coming my way I log into codecademy and do a a bunch of coding exercises to pass the time. I have a passing interest in computers and doing those can't hurt.