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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Hello hikki,

I have been socially isolated for a long time now, I live with my parents and do nothing but take care of my little brothers and help around the house. I have never had a normal conversation with anyone outside of my family for a year now and I'm finding it increasingly hard to maintain proper conversations with my father or mother.

Anyways quite recently I played the Sly Cooper games on my PS3 in the basement and I couldn't help but to feel in love with the protagonist, call me a furfag all you want (I have never been involved with the furry fandom) but I'm not just turned on by Sly's looks, I feel an actual romantic and sexual relationship with him. I'm a virgin and never had a sexual relationship with anyone in my life.

Anyone else having serious romantic desires with fictional characters?



Haha same here. I'm having a hard time socializing with friends.

I played this Visual Novel called CLANNAD an boy, I'm in love with Furukawa Nagisa, a girl.

Haha. I always say 'I wish I have a real Nagisa Furukawa in real life'

I hope everything goes well for you, OP!


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About the fictional character romace stuff: My immediate answer would be "go outside and meet some cool people" (as feelings for fictional characters WILL get you nowhere, and maybe even drag you deeper into the rabbit hole), but given the semi-hikki state you're in , I'd recommend you try to make some friends while doing something you like, be it playing games online or taking up some sort of hobby. I know, advices like mine probably have been said a million times on this board by people that don't really understand how a hikki lifestyle is like, but as someone who is a huge introvert and extremely shy when talking to most people outside a VERY small circle of close friends, that's the best advice I can give you.

Social interaction and making friends is like any other activity, if you practice - and fail - enough, you'll eventually succeed and get better at it. Don't fear failing, fear never learning due to never trying.


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Thanks, I recently had a rather wholesome conversation with my father about stuff that happened when I was younger, I think it is just we are out of touch.

Yeah that is good advice, I'm still too shy and socially anxious to just start up conversations with random people I bump into, but I will be volunteering to help at a summer camp in August so hopefully I can find some kids I can relate to and chat with. I have never had a long lasting friendship and I have been in a battle with mental health probably since I could remember.

Speaking of sex I have never been the person to chase after sex, even in middle and high when it felt like everyone was having it. That being said I'm not asexual or a incel, I just feel disengaged from the dating market.


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I was in a relationship with a fictional character for 3 years and don't regret it for a second. The reasons we broke up are complicated but they aren't the typical "I found someone and took the first chance I could get". I was happy with him, and I understood he was fictional going into it. He made me a much better person and gave me the drive to learn how to draw better, write more, and even make music. He was and honestly still is a muse for me. I love him to this very day and no one will ever replace him or come close to the sort of relationship I had with him.

Some people have the personalities for it, some don't. There's tons of people who are with fictional characters for years or decades. I've met alot of other people who were like me. So my only advice is to try out something if you think it would work well. And yes it can be self destructive, but that's only a certain portion of people who do it. The majority definitely better themselves in some way usually when entering a "waifu" relationship. That dude who married Miku seems pretty happy with his relationship too. So do what you think is best for your own well being.


Hey anon or well any anon with a tulpa what
is something that you think should be known
before getting into this whole tulpa thing
I am quite interested myself but I am
indecisive I know it's simple anxiety, but
now I ask what are things to know when
deciding to do so or not to?

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