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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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This thread is for posting when you did something that was uncomfortable for you, but still important to do. It's also for encouraging other people who are getting out of their comfort zone too.

If you're NEET/hikki, I think part of the issue is having a small comfort zone and sticking to what's in that. So let's try to change that.

Tonight, I went to the city today to network with some people. We made plans in advance online and met up in person. Met some new people and talked about work, LinkedIn, mentoring, and stuff like that. Definitely out of my comfort zone. Even though I was super nervous, I still went, and I tried to talk with the other people. I wasn't good at it, but you gotta start somewhere. I will be seeing them again next week.

What about you? What have you done lately, or what are you planning on doing that is outside your comfort zone?


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Today I woke up.


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I attended rehearsal. We just started playing a few weeks ago and I keep forgetting stuff. Also I think the other guy is making fun of me for some reason, but that's probably just my issue of perception with every person even looking in my general direction.


Rehearsal for what?


Better than not waking up, right? Sometimes I don't want to get out of bed, but I do anyway.
Even if someone is making fun of you, then their opinion isn't worth paying attention to. You don't need to let negative people influence your life. It says more about their immaturity than you. Easier said than done, but try not to let it get to you.

But as a general rule of thumb, if someone is mean to you, don't think that you're in the wrong. If they're being mean, that's on them.

Hope your rehearsal go well.


We are practicing and composing songs. I like to make music and people are even encouraging me. Social anxiety and agoraphobia are however ruining the fun.

Thank you.


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Today, I realised I don't have much savings left, so I began searching for a job. It will be hard, since I am in the middle of my twenties, but I still need a source of income, even if I attend the job I hate. And I dislike working among people, too, so there will be a lot of pressure on me. Don't want to.

Also, while I'm at it, I put my gaming consoles away, studying music theory and the process of making ambient music instead.

There is a circle of pain around my head: it's stress.

I don't know how I would talk during a job interview.

As soon as I amass some money, say, to support myself for three-four years, I'll return to my life of NEET - to anime, games and sleeping.

But maybe I need to force myself. Maybe I need to overextend and make a career, and in fifteen years I would amass a fortune so large I could live the rest of my days on it, and also make profit from investments. Although I will be old at that point.

Don't know what to do, but I don't have neetbux or a supportive family, so I must make my own living.

When I was working at a certain bank a year ago, the stress levels were so high I cried in my pillow every week. That said, before attending said work, I was cured from clinical depression. Even though I was cured, it is still hard for me to communicate and make choices.

I just need to hang on.


I had a practice interview at my college (they help people with job search, resumes, etc) and they basically said I have poor communication skills. Welp. Not feeling too confident about my real interview later this week.

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