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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Who here has found inner peace with themselves while being NEET or Hikikomori??.


Stop posting pepe faggot.


No one.


I found inner peace when I discovered Jesus and now I am a child of God. He's been my only friend for the last ten years.



Good for you.


>No one.

Some people just enjoy being NEET or hikikomori anon.


Don't encourage others to become those things.


Stating the objective fact that some people enjoy the lifestyle is far from encouraging others to live it.


Being a neet is objectively unhealthy and bad for society. Saying anything positive what so ever about it, like that some people may genuinely enjoy that lifestyle, may cause somebody else to think that it can't be that bad. I know that this is a bit presumptuous, but are you the socialist guy in that other thread? If you are, it seems to me like you're insecure about your life circumstances and are trying to validate yourself by telling everybody else how pointless it is to be a, "wage slave". If you're so insecure, than that's just more evidence to suggest that neets can't truly be at peace with themselves, and don't say that that's because of other people, because it's not.


That's not me.


>Stating the objective fact that some people enjoy the lifestyle is far from encouraging others to live it.

Thank you


>Being a neet is objectively unhealthy and bad for society.

Me personally I'm happy being a hikkineet away from society people are just down right cruel in society but i do not encourage others to end up like me.


Some people enjoy their lives with cocaine and crack, your point?


Can you stop encouraging me to do those things???



Uh, your objective and impartial statement about somebody else's preferences is a direct endorsement of them. Didn't you follow your own logic? Now I have to report you to the police for endorsing and supporting drugs.


That's a good reason of why people shouldn't be saying stuff like that, both addictions and hiki stuff are closely associated with mental ilinesses and often people "enjoying" those are just trapped in their delusion.

There may be exceptions, but that is what they are, exceptions and random anons engaging into hiki/NEET stuff will most likely fuck up their lives.


News flash shitposter, no addicts enjoy shit about drugs, the post is ironic, they are just sick in the head and need help.


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I didn't even need to find any inner peace, being a hikkimori has just been an overall amazing thing for me personally, the only problem is the irl people you interact with.

I'm not capable of understanding how wage- slaving would benefit me in anyway since i have everything I need.

(Please note, I do not encourage anyone to be a hikkimori or condone any shut-in behavior.)


Where do you get everything you need from, huh? If it's from other people, the benefit isn't to yourself, it's to everybody else. Not everything is about you and the world does not revolve around you. Part of being human is being considerate of the needs of other people in the same society. If you receive from society, you should be expected to contribute to it. Unless you have a job that lets you stay indoors, you're rich and self-sufficient or you live in the woods and are self-sufficient, you should be ashamed of yourself.


Maybe the other people are comfy with giving anon things.


maybe he is a selfmade millionaire from crime or cryptocurrencies and enjoys his early retirement now while joe sixpack believes he "contributes to society"


>Where do you get everything you need from,

He probably works from home and buys stuff off of the internet.


>, being a hikkimori has just been an overall amazing thing for me personally, the only problem is the irl people you interact with.

Do you mean like your parents or when you go outside for food??.


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>(Please note, I do not encourage anyone to be a hikkimori or condone any shut-in behavior.)

You can still be cured there is still time.


Maybe anon is a cum dumpster with sugar daddy and everyone is just happy.


What inner peace? When I was a NEET for six months I felt myself going crazy. I hate my job a lot of times but it's way better than being a NEET.


>Only 6 months

You haven't had it rough anon.


I'd like to reach this point honestly.


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How did you accomplish this OP?


>How did you accomplish this OP?

By battling my own demons and accepting who i am.


>By becoming content with the reality that I'm going to spend the rest of my life meaninglessly and without having any affect on other people's lives and throwing away any notion that I could improve myself and my life
Isn't, "self-acceptance", just great? No need to try to fix your faults, just stop caring.


but what if caring IS a fault
isn't what's a fault and whats not subjective anyways?


That's a pretty interesting point. In my opinion, while what a flaw is may be arbitrary, nobody is without fault. I think that people should at least acknowledge their own faults, and if not try to improve himself, at least not be totally, "at peace", especially when their faults objectively create a burden for others.


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Yep, We(royal we) sure do. Found inner peace while watching The Big Lebowski on MXE in 2013 and decided to become a Dude. My room is my Dudedom and here we reign supreme.
We've tried at various times to un-NEET myself, but keep failing. I'm perfectly happy leaving my mark on the world through shitposting alone, and I'm pretty good at it. Existance is comfy. Fuck the bozos yo


Why is pepe drinking a warm cup of piss?


>not drinking warm piss


>he drinks iced piss

What's wrong with you?


First of all, don't include 'bad for society' as one of your reasons. I've worked a job where at least half the positions were pointless fluff. Technology is developing at a rapid pace replacing a lot of old jobs, and will continue doing so. The 'need' to work is diminishing rapidly.

I think social isolation is bad for most people, but it's not a stretch that some people enjoy it.


as far as i can tell, lots of jobs are manufactured through selling people things they don't really need to live their life. on top of that, lots of jobs are just minimally useful to even the employer. of the 8? (depends on how you count) jobs I've had throughout my life, the organization would have gone on pretty much just fine without me being there. "contributing to society" is just totally bunk; it's not even worth discussing. i don't at all believe the suffering i endured at work matched the value i was providing.


addendum: in the jobs that touch the most people are usually created by the people who work them, not an 'employer' or 'company' or 'other'.


addendum 2 : *in my experience


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I think if a society allowed people to survive without working jobs then being a NEET would no longer need to mean you can't socialise. There would be a very large amount of people who no longer have to spend their days working, so they would form groups based on their goals and interests.

Unfortunatley, this will never happen. The choice between making people work usless artificial jobs and just giving them money is not new. Look at this image for example. This guy is spending the time that could be used to pursue his interests or help his community doing a job that could literally be done by a fucking pole.


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>just giving them money
Do you know how money works? Like at all? Money is worthless if you just give it to anybody who wants it. That's how inflation can balloon, that's how you ruin the economy even more.
>This guy is spending the time that could be used to pursue his interests or help his community
Why do you assume this guy has interests or cares about his community? It's more likely that they don't. For all you know, he could be a drug addict.


If the job is truly worthless to the employer, that's on the employer. It's their money they're wasting and people should be happy that they do it. At least currently, there's lots of grunt work that canot be replaced by robots. Even when the technology does exist,it will not be affordable for every convenience store and every factory position and everything in between. Robots are still a long way off from eliminating the need for human labor of all kind. In the meantime, nobody will want to do the grunt work that somebody still needs to do, if they can just get the same money for nothing.

There's also plenty of other economic problems with devaluing money like that. How much money should people even be given is highly debatable. Just enough for the bare necessities, or enough to live an enjoyable life? What if they have really expensive hobbies or interests? Should those people be given more money or should there be a cap?Hiring enough government workers to manage that would put an even more massive strain on taxpayers. A bunch of people trying to buy shit with money handed to them has always been devestating for any economy where prices aren't set. A society where prices are set would make running a business unprofitable and a waste of time. If nobody runs the businesses, the government would have to provide everything, and then you would have communism.

You can't currently make a distinction between usless and neceesary grunt work without throwing the whole system off and fucking everything up.


>Why do you assume this guy has interests or cares about his community?
Those where just examples of worthwhile uses of time. As long as the ways he spends his new free time are just slightly more worthwhile than standing in the street doing nothing (or in the general case, doing work that can be done just as well by objects), my point stands. But obviously even if he specificaly does absolutley nothing with his time, that will not be the case for the majority of people.

>It's more likely that they don't

What? It's likely that wageslaves don't have interests? You think that most people don't enjoy anything? I can understand why you say that most won't want to help their community, but they're not doing that anyway so there still isn't a negative.

>For all you know, he could be a drug addict

What, and therefore not a person? He has a mental illness so he deserves an even more worthless life? The monotony and futility of his job probably contributes to his drug habit.

I'm not going to discuss the economics, because I haven't read any economic literature so I would just embarrass myself.


Your idea has everything to do with economics, so you already talked about it. Alright, fine. Maybe this guy does have intersts, but I don't think the world really needs more shitty r&b or whatever he is in to. At least not enough to warrant paying him a salary large enough to potentially indulge in that interest, on the off chance that he might actually produce something, simply for existing. People shouldn't get money for nothing unless they can't make any themselves. That would be a fucking mess and far too many people would do it, a large portion of which wont contribute to anying even with the extra time. Lots of people who really have a passion for something make that their job. Sure it doesn't work out that way for a lot of people, but that's the general rule.


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Ah, I love reading about fantasy worlds. In one, everyone has equal access to everything and therefore nobody is happy and nothing is accomplished. In another, only a select few have access to anything and therefore nobody is happy and nothing is accomplished. Interesting, innit?


Old post, but… Yes. I do not see the issue with being a neet and consider it to be my way of life. As I got older I lost my sense of shame (For all things) and am comfortable with taking from people who are willing to give.


I want to be a NEET for life, but in my country it's nearly impossible to get welfare and my parents won't leave me alone.


honestly the only issue is money. i can see myself being content like this all my life if i was healthy and had money


Same. I think the right amount of money would solve everything.


>Part of being human is being considerate of the needs of other people in the same society
Then I reject my humanity. Society can go fuck itself, I'll take what I can get for free until I've leeched every last drop of blood from the filthy creatures called humans and I won't shed a single tear unless it's over my own slight discomfort. Eat my smegma.

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