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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I've given up with my life and want to end it but I also want to end it as well for a fuck ton of over people what do?

[spoiler] Thinking about blowing up a crowded subway car or something.


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You seem to have the right idea already though, just take a gun out on to the street.


You're the type of person who would ironically kill themself. I doubt you're even suicidal or have a reason to be, you just want to make some edgy post. If you're serious then actually fuck you, I'm not giving you even the smallest piece of empathy when you want to kill others. Nobody deserves to die with you, because YOU're miserable. What if they have a family or something? The Pepe image only makes me believe this is just some edgy post even more so again, fuck you, people who need legitimate help in life come here and you're just making some joke about it. You really are disgusting rather this is serious or not.


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There we go. What needed to be said was said and the thread was drawn to a peaceful end. Please now keep it at that by not making any further replies, even if OP does.


This OP post and IP address have been reported to the appropriately geolocated police department. This is not a place to make terrorist threats, even as jokes, as I am lawfully obligated to take them seriously and forward them, as I always have, to the proper authorities. Hopefully the poster will receive a stern talking to by their local police department and not make such a post again. Please be civil and have taste when making sick jokes. A sick joke can be funny if done right. This is a poor joke, or an actual criminal event in progress.


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god bless our overlord seisatsu


>I've given up with my life and want to end it but I also want to end it as well for a fuck ton of over people

You probably shouldn't have post this here anon maybe /r9k/ would have been a better place just saying have fun in jail OP.


Quick, take a pic of your butthole as it is right now so we can compare it to when you get out of prison.

Also, was uboa down for a few hours for anyone else?


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and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids


What's the point of killing a bunch of random people who have done nothing to you? The only thing you'll achieve is increasing misery in the world.


I assume OP was some troll, but it's obvious as to why people do things like that: It's because they want to induce that misery in people. A mere "directionless" person without anger or frustration probably wouldn't want to do a mass attack. It's people who want to "get back" at society in the aggregate by causing as much physical and psychological damage to the collective as possible. Of course, this lashing out often leads to the person's death, but there is a clear goal to it, and it is often done by disadvantaged people like high school dropouts such as Ramos, Cruz, Steinhauser, etc.
This explains many untargeted attacks by non-political killers.


based, fuck people who threaten to kill others

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