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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Who here has achieved monk-tier hikkidom?
>i have made myself to be a walking wikipedia
>started working out and actually developed muscle
>my level of doucheness has risen to considerable levels
>Turns out looking down on people cures some of the anxiety
I still dont leave my house though, mainly because i dont have reasons to do so, i lost all my "friends" a long time ago and calling them to hang out now would be awkward (i dont even have money to go drinking) and i still get anxious as fuck when im outside (i was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder)
And getting a job still looks impossible


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i forgot to add
>i have elevated my level of english to near native status (expressing myself is still difficult because i dont speak too much with people)
>on my way to learn japanese (those untranslated eroges wont stay out of my reach)


Monk tier hikki-dom is becoming a literal hermit. Come back when you farm your own food, produce your own clothing and transcend mortal desires.


>started working out and actually developed muscle
stopped reading right there


>he got past "monk-tier hikkidom"


try getting on voice chats , be that a videogame voice chat or just some discord VC.

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