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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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File: 1499974591055.jpg (120.37 KB, 766x684, anonynig1.jpg)


Please help me. I am do gay i cant stop buying male prostitutes but only if they are black.. my bank account is in the red my family hates me. IF ONLY I DIDNT BECOME A MEMBER OF GNAA(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Sei, could you please ban this edgy, prepubescent faggot from 4chan who doesn't understand the purpose of the /ot/ board?


File: 1500056460612.jpg (66.9 KB, 850x531, sample_bc526dbc28b0a287057….jpg)

>Sei, could you please ban this edgy, prepubescent faggot from 4chan who doesn't understand the purpose of the /ot/ board?
This isn't the purpose of /ot/ either, my friend.

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