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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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31, barely working, living in mothers basement, Constantly sick with an unclassified autoimmune disease, in a state of decline. Spend most of my time laying down while browsing useless things on the net or playing free apps. Considering suicide daily.


Why do you live in the basement? Just use your old room. Or did you always live there?


I don't really get the vibe that you're asking for advice, so I'm not going to try and give some irrelevant two cents in that regard.

Though, I will say that I'm a wageslave making decent money. However, you and I have something very much in common - neither of us have a reason to be alive.

I am also constantly sick. It has nothing to do with not eating enough, or not eating right, or not getting enough activity. It is my body's natural desire to expend as little energy as possible to achieve a given task, and as of right now, at a physical level, I believe we are both already on our way out. we are not meeting our instinctual mandate.


You could at least play better games on your PC. Why would you settle for shitty free phone apps?


Considering how the term "app" is now a catch all term for software with mainstream desktop OSes having "app stores" and laptops and mobile devices slowly fusing together, it's very likely he could be playing PC games.

But his photo looks like he took a picture with an iPhone and posted it. Some mobile games are good, shame it's mostly Nintendo games.

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