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/fg/ - Fangames


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I'm making a Yume Nikki porn game where Madotsuki gets raped by many different dream creatures that appear in the original game, is there anything you'd like to see in it?


no, I wouldn't like to see it at all actually


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I don't understand what's going on as I don't use this site a lot but It's ok you don't have to believe me, I'll still make it, so if you do believe me leave some suggestions.
Also I read >>13071 and It's not really what I want to do, I'm doing this more because I find the idea of being raped by dream monsters arousing, I won't read the replies to his thread as to not steal ideas
Also >>15111 talked about bans, am I not allowed to talk about porn fan games here? should I make this thread in another board?


Please don't make it.


honestly I would like a middle way between "0-horny hormonally disrupted weirdo" (no hate, this fits me way more than I'm letting on) and "everything has to be hardcore porn" (which, like, gets a little… maybe exhausting is the word)


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Are you like already working on something similar or is there another reason as to why you don't want me to make it?
Ok, once I have a beta going on I'll post it here.
I don't think I can make monster rape not "hardcore" but I will see what I can do.


If you need help with it I will help but only if you have something to show


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what the fuck


I don't think it's that shocking, honestly.





some men just want to see the world burn


the problem with criticism of "idea guys" is that if you are capable of knowing what the fuck "templates" do and are, you're probably not likely to have creative visions that are not predominately about loading ore and parcels onto trains

intracranial space and time are scarce resources and it is far easier to be one thing or another than both. furthermore, and as an aside, if you try to be both it is likely that you will end up producing A-tinged B, or A with B characteristics, ex. "fanfiction" that is mostly about finding clever things to do with game theory, or "science fiction" that is mostly about theodicy.


>"fanfiction" that is mostly about finding clever things to do with game theory, or "science fiction" that is mostly about theodicy.
which can both be good. don't let some psycho on an imageboard dissuade you


Monoko. She has several arms, use your brain.
I yearn for yuri.




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i wonder where this project is right now. probably a forgotten shower thought…


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Not possible considering the release date
>the rubber noises


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Please no


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Isn't she a minor?


Honestly an interesting topic. While Madotsuki does seem young, she also looks like she lives in a flat she owns.


Open to interpretation. Besides, why would you care about the age of a fictional character?


Just let it drown already.


No proof of this


Fair. I must just be concerned about whether or not OP plans on depicting her as a loli.
Just cuz the character is fictional doesn't mean I can't question the intent of the real person that wants to sexualize them.
Like anon said, people come up with interpretation. I happen to have seen her depicted as seemingly younger more often than not generally.




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How you guys think this is even possible is beyond me, it's an idea guy who has never posted any signs of work.
I suppose this thread has became a popular tourist attraction.


They could at least necro the superior porn fangame idea guy thread instead




ahh hell nah 💀


only in Ohio would such a fangame exist


weak! lmfaoo


dawg no




man I'd love to see it, I guess the OP is long gone now… Someone else should work on the project.


What project? This is just an idea, and an extremely vague one.


Madotsuki is definitely an adult in this animation, so I guess it's not offensive….?


It doesn't count if its in a dream so its okay.


Its pretty simple, a porn version of Yume Nikki where Madotsuki gets raped. That shouldn’t be too hard to make.


madotsuki get iphone


I suppose that's true, but it's still an effort nobody is gonna make.


I wonder if OP is the same guy who's making that Inmu Nikki fangame


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what the fuck is wrong with you


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Update OP? There isn't enough porn of mentally-ill girls to go around


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Let me fix that.


God i was a cute schizo japanese girl getting groped by tentacle plant monsters

Not enough pants shitting though


Not OP but someone else's making it. Do what you will with this information.


lol what a twist


ruining my PVRE game… we need to KILL this fucker.


I'm afraid it is what the new generation refers to as "peak"


for inmu nikki, the main character is not madotsuki, it is a different character, kuu, which is an adult.

just felt like i need to clarify that.


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I doubt that fg will ever see the light of day. I'd play it, but the dev hasn't updated on its progress in a long time.


we're working on it, though not as fast or as heavily as before, mostly because we've been more busy as of late

and we've only released new versions for a small few people for testing as of now


Oh shit you are the guy? neat to see you here lol. Hope to see it finished some day.


>which is an adult
Interest: lost


At least I'm glad that this trend of "I'm gonna make a game XD even though I haven't started and don't plan to" has stopped for a while, it was getting tiring back then.


anon… no…


It's funny this was suggested twice and it ended abandoned without even doing anything both times.


Can't say I'm surprised. The majority of fangames end exactly like this.

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