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/co/ - Comics / Animation


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File: 1384349514834.jpg (8.27 KB, 259x194, Parrapatv.jpg)


Parrapa TV


File: 1384356581102.jpg (12.59 KB, 259x194, gl.jpg)

yes im really glad alright im the one person who posts parappa tv in the other threads and you and me are Best friends now
i'm at school so i just googled a picture but when i get home the image posting is SO on.


I'm in school too. we need to become best pals


File: 1384378325737.jpg (41.26 KB, 476x352, ss (2013-09-22 at 09.13.05….jpg)

alright i put my email in the email field we can be friends


File: 1384378419819.png (147.25 KB, 381x271, tumblr_inline_moonkzrH5w1r….png)


source is person on tumblr…….sorry


File: 1384378594885.jpg (41.41 KB, 250x365, tumblr_mub0dwYpmU1r2gewco1….jpg)

forgot my image whoops


File: 1384382673851.jpg (286.05 KB, 1182x676, image.jpg)


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