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>everyone who posted in this thread before me and will post in this thread after me


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What are you going to do, flail your little girly arms at me ineffectually?


Ineffectually isn't a word. And ineffectual doesn't mean what you think it means. If you're going to troll bronies, learn how to spell first.


tilting into trolls trolling trolls territory.


A quick Google search says otherwise. You get an F for effort.


If bronies get butthurt over a single picture, I wonder how much of a reaction you can get from something even better.

If there's anything actually better. Because honestly, I think it's the best.

90% of the bronies are retards who get butthurt easily anyways. So i'm not surprised from the reaction to that amazing picture.


what reaction
do you have aspergers?


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These posts, >>40

Also yes, I do have assburgers, could you get these pickles out of my asscheeks? :(


this picture is awesome


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>inb4 mods saying that's guro and subsequent shitfest



that's not guro, that's hilarious


That's impressive, Chen!

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