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/co/ - Comics / Animation


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I-I'm not quite sure how to feel about this


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*GASPPPP* You missed the -chan and -san in their names D:


To OP:
I love you.




Large Bagel was funnier but this is a good laugh


Actually, I prefer this, but I still goddamn loved Large Bagel.


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kees my leeps


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Any other crappy fanimes anyone can find besides NNSG and Large Bagel?


YinYang is one of my favourites. I also like Quest of Laizen and Tsuki Desu. Tokyo Crystal Mew is a classic, but it's not always that funny.
Anyways, you should always watch fanime at Nico2.


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This seems strangely familiar


Will his son blow up the world? Or his bombs are flukes?


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i hope that it gets english dubbed soon

of course it wont be nearly as KUHWAIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee

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