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/co/ - Comics / Animation


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File: 1317199568138.jpg (36.12 KB, 640x480, kanashimi no belladonna.jpg)



has anyone seen this? it's very beautiful.


also: idrk if this should be under /co/ or not, since it is animated, but it's not a cartoon per se


I have never gotten around to seeing it but it sounds very interesting!


/n/ is more Japanese feel, but it contains pretty much anything media sometimes.
/co/ could definitely use more non-pony/homestuck though



well if a mod wants to move it to a place where it would better fit i wouldn't complain!


File: 1317592428311.png (25.45 KB, 398x296, 1317527023398.png)


gee sure wish I still had my mod password right now


Believe me mobling, if the mods had a way to move this, i would have done so a while ago…


Mobs I made you an account but it dissapeared somehow. I'll remake it again and you need to come into IRC to confirm it.


Where can I watch this?

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