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/co/ - Comics / Animation


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I enjoy Homestuck, but I've already caught up. I want to read more web-comics, but I don't have any to read and no where to get any recommendations.

What would you recommend?
Genres I enjoy:
>Supernatural/weird type stuff



Doctor McNinja is amazing
so is Romantically apocalyptic

Both are comedies but the second one is pretty intense at times.


Gunshow and VG Cats are my favorites. Both are comedic, the first is fairly surreal and dark at times and the second is, obviously enough, a game-related humor one, but better than most of its kind imo.


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VG cats is still going? jesus christ

Unsounded is a good fantasy comic
Vattu = fantasy
Cucumber Quest = comedic fantasy
Paranatural = supernatural comedy
Gunnerkrigg Court = supernatural/ fantasy/whatever
Zebra Girl = supernatural hijinx with a long tedious dramatic arc


Yeah, Scott is slow to produce but he's still at it and it still beats the hell out of any other gaming webcomic that comes to mind aside from maybe Awkward Zombie (which, now I think of it, is also something OP might enjoy). I'm heavily biased, of course. Anywho, they may least enjoy Gunshow. It's lovably weird at best and stonerish at worst.

In terms of drama, I was never able to get into the few dramatic webcomics I've tried out. They all seemed pretty amateurish.


There are two main ones I follow:

The first is Dead Winter, which is an ongoing Zombie apocalypse story. That's definitely a cliche setting at this point, but if you care about that, this comic started before that craze began. It has some drama, but overall, it doesn't take itself overly seriously, since there's still a good amount of humor and the characters all have a lot of personality.

As for the second, it's not really a single comic, but rather, any comic uploaded to the site "Kiwis By Beat", which has been various things over the years. I first got into it through the comic "Minus", which was a somewhat surreal comic about a young girl named Minus with magical powers who used it for various purposes, though since then, there have been various others, like "Great", a story about the upturns and downturns of a guy's life, as he continually strives to be great, and Modern Fried Snake, which I'm still not completely sure what its focus is, but it's interesting to read. There are also various shorter comics he's written as well on the sie. I mainly like the comics of that artist since they often have a somewhat offbeat sense of humor, and the comics often feel a little odd or surreal in some way.

Anyway, here are the sites for both in case anyone wants to check them out:



Do you know about this one:
It's his oldest comic and one of my favourites. Sadly, there is no link to it from his current site.


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one of my favorite webcomics is called "Life Is Posers".

check it out:


I'll second the suggestions of Doctor McNinja, Gunnerkrigg Court, and pretty much anything on Kiwis By Beat.

I'll add Girl Genius to the list as supernatural/weird science, Ava's Demon as sci-fi with fantasy trappings and supernatural elements, and Buttersafe as comedy.



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Had a few sensible chuckles at that one, thanks for sharing.


>As for the second, it's not really a single comic, but rather, any comic uploaded to the site "Kiwis By Beat",

Any chance either of you saved anything from that site?


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Thanks, but I was already aware of that. I'm looking for the stuff missing from that thread, such as most of Modern Fried Snake


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Just wondering, Did you find anything else?
i mirror popped up http://www.kiwisbymirror.rf.gd/ and its laccking allot of stuff infact they keep a list of what they DONT have
Does anyone have any of the pages that are missing from the mirror

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