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/co/ - Comics / Animation


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I'm making a animatic style series on YouTube. Could any of you voice act for me?

>pic not related


my mic sucks and stuff but I'd be game


can you do a lil' girl voice?



She's a little girl. Remember, booger is just 12.


I guess, my voice isn't super high but it might be good. Here, take a listen to my soundcloud, it's mostly just me recording weird yandere lines or quotes or some crap. Most of my recent stuff is more goofy and less kawaii voice. My mic sucks, that is very evident.
This one probably has my best "little girl" voice
rude. I'll be 20 in February! respect your Onee-chan!


also I recently discovered the magic of putting a sock over the microphone so my breath doesn't make windy noises


You are getting old grandma.

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