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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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File: 1327882520262.png (1.06 KB, 64x76, music.png)


Browsing through them music folder, I found a track named 0109BGM3.wav. I've never heard it during the game, neither does it play in the music room. Is this track used anywhere?


I can't think of any areas with that music. It sounds like it'd play in a FC-style world.


I've seen it playing on a debug room, but not anywhere else.


File: 1328039703609.bmp (225.05 KB, 320x240, Slots.bmp)

The music plays during a slot machine minigame. I'm not sure if it is playable normally though (might be in the maze area with the cloning machine). You can play it at the debug room.

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