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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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File: 1316826008789.jpg (484.84 KB, 750x750, eb4860e3a28a439208c07664b73…)


New feedback thread =)Original thread started by Aomizuchi! This might just be a temporary thread seeing as there might be a way to merge the old threads from the old forums, but we might have to wait a bit. For now, let's just use this.


Well, it looks like かめりあ(Camellia) wants our feedback on the game, since she'll be able to talk directly to the people in charge of it.So I thought it would be nice to have a thread about this; if you want to leave your feedback or report bugs, do it here. Also your general thoughts about the game.


Why is it taking so long for the new version come out?


Is there any due date for 2kki to be released?


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…lol. I just realized that Camellia might not even know about this thread/new board yet. Can anyone direct her to this? And could I possibly get this stickied for future reference please?

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