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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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I played everything I think, in my version, I get 26 "souls", "magics" you know, I think the new yume 2kki have much more ramdom things than yume nikki, but I loved very very much continue please! I want jump :3 I cant solve 30 puzzles in the video game but I saved the 2 survival horror games and I love the bad ending, the good ending too
just feedback


File: 1403658084511.jpg (71.77 KB, 555x555, Yugi_time_fraud.jpg)

Yume 2kki - Ubuuchon's only successful game: The thread.


File: 1403674546241.jpg (9.23 KB, 154x193, well-WAIT WHAT.jpg)

Now I've read my share of retardese in the past but this…this is some advanced level retardese.


what the fuck is wrong with you

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