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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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is it possible to get old versions of 2kki
and when i say old i mean ancient


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Seconding interest in this; I have to wonder what the very first downloadable version of the game was like.


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Here's the most ancient loda.jp page for 2kki I can find. By the looks of it, you're gonna have to dig through quite a lot of shit to get to the ancient files, because back in the day they seemed to use their loda pages as a part 2kki, part random bullshit uploader.

I can't believe it's been like 2 years or so since this game first came out. Makes me feel old.



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oldest version on there is v.0.066. It's… it's pretty damn old. (there's a whopping 5 effects in it: Boy, Telephone, Chainsaw, Lantern and Fairy) Have fun seeing all weird unused/beta stuff.


I've found two different uploaders where the developers have stored their files to share with each other. I'm not certain if either of these uploaders contain anything that's not present in any of the versions or not. (I don't have the time to check at the moment.) The first uploader seems older.



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