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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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File: 1387223316589.png (4.05 KB, 96x96, Santa.png)


Since Christmas are right there, I was wondering if someome could send me the complete Santa Claus Urotsuki charset for a proyect I'm thinking of. I had been looking for it inside the game's folders and I couldn't find it.
Damn it, Urot, gimme those fucking presents!!!

PS: I'm looking for the complete one, not this that I have posted. Just in case xDDD


That's used when you deliver the present in Snow World, right?


File: 1387244769317.png (8.65 KB, 288x256, jekyle_Charset_01.png)

here it is.


dat leech


>>2093 Yep.
>>2096 Thank you, I can start it! Btw, it's not a fangame. I'll use it for a video ^^

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