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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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hey guys !!
could anybody help me, i'm playing yume 2kki .98 english ver with winedesktop as i'm on a mac and i can't get to the black building, in the onyx tile world it isn't there and there is also no tiger lily painting in the gallery. is it a missing file or is it just because of the version ? where can i find the file ?
thank you. =)


also i can do a small fanart for whoever is able to help me as a thank you =)


oh i wish you luck, installing Yume 2kki on a PC really seems like hell since it's in 2 files and you have to install japanese or something, do you want a link to the english translation, sadly missing the black building ? x)
ok i had kinda figured it out but thanks. anyone ahve an idea what this map is named ?

(sorry for crappy english)


Hm.. No sorry ;_;
That my problem : http://uboachan.net/fg/res/7832.html
I'll try to help you once I have installed the game. Sorry I'm not English


Wake up.

No, really.


That building was just added recently


>yume 2kki .98 english ver
That's your problem. The black building was added only recently, in the later .99 versions I think. I dunno how to help you upgrade because I use Windows. In the future, you should post this in one of the stickied threads.

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