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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1344615095990.png (29.61 KB, 641x481, updownup.png)


Download link:

Changelog (Google translated and lightly interpreted):
★Conditions for getting the ↑v↑ have been changed
★ Finished remaking ↑v↑


I plan on compiling and posting version updates here regularly, so tell me if I need to stop posting individual threads for them.


*★Conditions for getting the ↑v↑ wallpaper have been changed


Yeah, I reccomend just having your own little thread for these. just so the board isnt clogged up, and if people want something they dont have to dig through several different threads just to find something. I would rather sort through one thread than have to search an entire board for something.

anyway, interesting screenshot. it looks quite familiar… from an ancient version of ↑v↑ it seems


File: 1344641994928.png (271.74 KB, 370x600, 25299607_m.png)

download, played it nothing was translated, bummer.


Regarding the main game itself:

There seems to be a new, empty room for the hospital area in the game's files, but that's been there since .97h

so yes, old areas which aren't connected to much are being worked on, which is good considering all the half-finished everything lying around


Has ↑v↑ been explained before? I'm playing it right now and all I've managed to do is get a key. I don't quite understand the plot or what the objective is.


File: 1344927325764.png (177.73 KB, 340x447, 27162080_p4.png)

.098 has been released in 4-part files, along with a patch.



Haven't found much new yet, beside new sounds (some of them really loud / grating / out of context).

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