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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1344099764755.png (16.02 KB, 640x480, www31.atwiki.jp.png)


Download Link:

Changelog (Google translated and lightly interpreted):
★Changed the terms and conditions of acquiring wallpaper patterns(?)
★Added feature to change PC BGM
★Two new wallpapers. Current total is now 148
★Random playback functions such as adding sound room (?)
★Bug fixes become inoperable and press X when you are diving into the tube (?)
★I Iha same narrow housing, or ー Oh, add events Chara playground (?)


File: 1344121737694.png (Spoiler Image, 21.07 KB, 640x480, 2kki52.png)

…I think they're onto people peering into the game's files…


File: 1344216389721.png (Spoiler Image, 67.89 KB, 640x1920, yume2kkiplaces.png)

I have no idea if these have been found before (I don't think so?), but I found these three places. Basic route: Red Streetlight World, find the lamp with the four lights on the left side, go to that Gray Street World and wander around until you find these guard rails (pictured). Walk through them and, for the sake of not spoiling anything, you're on the path to all these places.


I really enjoy watching shit flip out to the Marginal effect. the little blue sunny side up egg guy in the dream house goes nuts.

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