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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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File: 1341763013597.jpg (43.38 KB, 400x400, 1334802066202.jpg)


Not that anyone who wants it doesn't already have it, but here's Ver0.97g with patch and patch02 applied.



File: 1341790296043.jpg (258.48 KB, 608x657, Urotsuki Tako.jpg)

Thank you! I didn't know it was out already~!


Coll thanks I'm barely going to download patch 2.


ver1.0 when


That will be eventually if the people decide to go that far. Traditionally they usually go up to 0.10 just like the original Yume Nikki.


thanks i was looking for this i havent played since 0.94


File: 1343268341185.jpg (Spoiler Image, 43.13 KB, 800x598, tsun.jpg)

Confirming purple area in the tunnel of starry road area reopened and a new effect mix.


File: 1343950671823.png (45.39 KB, 250x188, desudesurostsuki.png)

thanks for uploading this. It's a shame that the chase minigame is not available anymore.

Also, >>1224
How did you get there? i mean, i know it's in the lego world and all that, but i only get ther ebeing all small.


File: 1344100781506.jpg (42.05 KB, 409x438, hmmm.jpg)

Hm… I vaguely recall getting there via the retro maze… Try climbing to the roof of the lego world starting point and jumping off it?



I tried, i interacted with the wall Urostuski won't jump i seems…


File: 1344113567611.jpg (47.22 KB, 640x480, Jump.jpg)

Just to be clear, is this the spot you are trying to jump at? Standing on the mark and pressing 'x' should allow you to jump off.


File: 1344122266746.gif (488.85 KB, 285x170, tumblr_m198mr2Jdl1qfi5kb.gif)

>>1235 thanks

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