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/t/ - Theories

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File: 1335677480555.jpg (115.96 KB, 620x450, Konachan.com_-_83698_anima….jpg)


Where are Madotsuki's parents? What happened to them? Did she kill them? Are they in the other room that Madotsuki refuses to enter? Does she stay away from them because they're abusive?

Theories please.


i think that they might have come into her room and been interactive with her for a while after she started dreaming, but eventually she was too unresponsive and they gave up trying to communicate.
either that or she's an orphan and lives alone =w=


File: 1337316828827.jpg (132.71 KB, 523x294, 1331183503246.jpg)

I think she's the parent.


File: 1337543835133.png (380.24 KB, 648x1231, madotsuki kawaii.png)

i dont think shes an orphan or anything. as far as i know in japan parents tend to leave their children alone and the relationship isnt very close, often because they're working abroad or what not. Since im guessing that mado lives in japan, and since kikiyama (im pretty sure, but still can be argued) lives in japan, hes probably more likely to add a plot (if there is any) that connects better with the culture that hes familiar with rather than ours. just my two cents(◡‿◡✿)

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