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/t/ - Theories

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So I haven't really rummaged through /flow/ much at all,so I'm not sure if anyone's proposed this before.

At some point or another I was reading something that brought up "flow."
Flow is where you focus so completely on one thing, nothing else registers on your radar. It's also called being in the "zone," and the concept isn't really a new one; it's existed in various religions and stuff, bla bla bla now I'm just writing an essay on this. Go look it up on wikipedia if you really need to.

You can probably see where I am going with this, now. Sabitsuki is so grossly enveloped by her activities on that computer, nothing else matters. She doesn't even see the outside world while she's on the computer. There is nothing beyond what is on the screen.
She gets so wrapped up in the world she's found or created on the computer she doesn't even realise how dark it's gotten, how much it's hurting her. At this point, it's more like hyperfocus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperfocus) in that she's not overjoyed or cheerful about it anymore; she's not happy, but she can't leave it be.

It's not anything groundbreaking or anything, but that's my theory.


Already proposed.
I can't recall exactly what the theory was, but more or less it explained that Sabitsuki is indeed in some kind of deep-trance state (probably produced by the computer), in which she immerses herself inside her own world. It also mentioned that the game is basically navigating around the memories/thoughts of Sabi, and that this mix is what produced such a distorted world. Nothing about hyperfocus though, but it's a valid point if you consider it.


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OP here.
As I said, I didn't rummage through /flow/'s posts much because i'd already read that /t/ was accepting fangame theories now.

This ended up more of a theory on why the game is called what it is, tbh. But regardless, I brought up hyperfocus because flow is specifically associated with a sense of joy, or pleasure in the task at hand. She has some pretty disturbing stuff floating around in her little computer life, yet initially doesn't seem to upset. When Rust happens though, it changes things quite a bit. Which leads me to assume things are less pleasurable for her, but she can't just walk away without being forcefully "ejected."
Thus hyperfocus.

Image relatively unrelated.


Double post, sorry. What I meant is more like, there's nothing else to do (well, almost nothing else) and that's why she can't walk away.
Or something closer to "can't walk away for extended periods of time" because thats all the game is.

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