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/snow/ - ❄ ❄ ❄ Happy Holidays! ❄ ❄ ❄

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It's Christmas season once again. Do you still get gifts, or do you buy stuff for yourself? Do you just get nothing? I bought myself a kindle like a month ago.


I exchange a couple of gifts with my parents, I didn't buy anything for myself since I'm saving for a studio apartment out of state. What generation kindle did you buy?


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I got the newest oasis. It's also the first i've ever owned and I plan on using it as a glorified pdf reader since i'm a cheap, broke, cunt with little sense of consciousness, though I guess since I mostly read old books written by dead people it's easy to justify. What did you get your parents?


If anybody feels like doing the same, make sure to convert your files to the right format, by the way.


I'm making an in-depth analysis of the differences between a game in japanese and the english localization, so I suppose you could consider that a present for the fandom?


Depends on what the market is.
They generally water down the sex appeal, remove cultural references, take out anything that could offend certain deranged group, generally dumb it down. That's pretty much it, right? Maybe a Japanese localization of an American thing will tone down the violence.


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They swapped the main character from a teenager to an old guy and made the general tone and speech of people rougher; there's also the differences in personalities even in characters that shouldn't have been changed, they toned down themes regarding the sexuality of two characters (or rather, made those non-existent), and of course how actually the original makes more sense than the localization because the MC changes along the story due to the things that happen to him from an annoying kid to a merciless bastard, which is hardly noticeable with the old guy… I suppose that sums it up?

Basically, the people who played the localization don't really know much about the original, so this is to shed some light for the people who can't into moonrunes but are interested on it.


Oh also, there's an english patch somebody made but it copypastes a lot of text from the localization so it's hardly a translation at all. And people use that as a basis to judge the JP version as worse because "the story doesn't fit that much". Of course it doesn't, it's no more than 3D model swap with the localized script.


I'm in the same position as you in regards to my Roku, it's only used for pirate channels and playing my media files when I don't want to view them on a computer screen. Ironically enough, I gave physical legitimate copies of books and Blu-Rays to my parents as gifts. The Oasis looks like a good e-reader from the reviews I've seen. I'll probably have to make the transition to an e-reader soon to save interior space.


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When you get used to e-readers, physical books become too much of a pain, especially if you want something to do whenever you leave the house. The oasis is pretty pricey, but considering my usage of it and it being long-lasting hardware, it made sense to splurge on it. It's not like when people replace their phones every year because of consumer-induced retardation.

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