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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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I've noticed that quite a lot of us are playing MMOs from the wizardry thread.

What are you playing at the moment? What have you played in the past? Any memorable experiences?


Lineage II. I was a cunt. GMs really hated me, even heros. Once they callenged all the players of the server to hunt me down (I was lvl 4) but nobody could find me because I was at the limit of the map and everybody was mad.
Then some GMs came and started to teleport me to different places full of those hunters, or with the most powerful creatures of the world, while I was literally pissing myself because of how mad they were.
I never lol'd so hard playing online games; Oh, L2, oh, 2004, those were great times.


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Casually playing Tera. The leveling slowed down by a large amount around level 25. It makes me not want to spend the time to get capped.


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It's not nearly as bad after they've nerfed the BAMs. You could literally just grind them to level 60 if you wanted to. Questing is a good way to get exp too, and it's not all that soul crushing. Get exp boosts if you can afford them. You'll be 60 in 2 weeks max if you play a couple hours a day.

I have a couple characters on NA tera [CH] if you want company.


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PSO2 mostly, Warframe on the side.

Haven't gotten to play either in a couple months due to no computer. I'm so bored.


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i play watever i can play on linux. the mana world, planeshift, project gorgon is realy nice, lately i started playing medivia (it started as a tibia clone) and stendhal. love mmos. :D

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