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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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Imma just post all of my infamous drawings of everyone from the IRC, most are labeled for your convenience!

For starters, here is the first one, which features Ked paying Pop-kun for his excellent service, while I tightrope walk and become sad because I have no dollars


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Number two is me gonna shave ked's hair


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3. moog, makoto, and strn 420 e'ery day


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My confusion surrounding mrsusan, and if they are a mr. or a mrs.


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5. Snow, boja, osaka


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6. Praesul. it's time.


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7. Malacath, maidnaut, lily


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9. Nana and Ked make an insie


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10. Auphimin or however you spell that


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11. Kan-Chan, the one-show-wonder, me again, and arm commander


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12. Yamm, moga, Yui


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14. Me and Yui~


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15. Newcomer Alex


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16. Insie 2: Ladies night with Ked and Nana


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17. Praesul wearing a sombrero and doing politics, an idea dreamed by ked and realized by me.


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18. Me and snow, taped together so we can be friends forever. Nana said to draw me and snow and tape.


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19> SHIT, this should be like, number 16 by chronoligical order. welp. Cheeseum and Sandwraith


ilu booger-chan

<3 i'll draw a doodle too okie


Yay : 3 I can't wait




:O did I get drawn?


Draw a doodle of me.


These drawings are beautiful ;_;
Where's the drawing of me, potsee, and skyfall?

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