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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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(Originally posted on /n/ but was told I'd have a better chance on here)

So as an artist who I guess would be considered a NEET (Assuming the acronyms are THE only thing to go by), I wanted to see if there are others on here. the purpose being to at least form some sort of connection.

I've recently been sketching and inking some stuff in the past few days as an attempt to get myself productive.

Here are two SFW galleries containing some stuff I've made:


The inked illustration was from something I made a month ago. You'll have to save the file and turn it to see the other way.


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Nifty stuff, I enjoy the direction you're taking with glitch, also that pic you posted.

Haven't been a NEET long but it's taken it's toll on me for various reason. Drawing is an abnormally hard challenge right now and I really have to force myself to do even get a miniscule amount in each day. Here's a Mado drawing from last month I ditched. Really worn out of everything right now.


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I'm glad you like it. The album that's called "portfolio" is stuff from my years at a vocational school between 11h and 12th grade. I'm still trying to recover from the emotions I experienced in terms of my artistic skills during my 12th grade year. I had access to stuff like a 2010/2011 iMac (as opposed to, say, computers from 2004/2005 that barely go beyond 1 GB of RAM) and watercolors (which I still have some of the supplies for oddly. they didn't even said anything or even deduct the $30 I initially paid at the beginning of the year)

I have more examples but I'm afraid they're NSFW (nothing TOO major; barely any show genitals or nipples). That and they'd weird the fuck out of some folks.

I've only been a NEET for 7 or so months. I'm really hopping to get a job eventually sometime this spring. I recently attempted to maybe do sketches for $5….inked sketches for $6. But yeah.

I quite like the sketch; I really like the style of the face. :)

I heard that it isn't good to force creativity. I mean, it's good to get yourself drawing each day or so but..uhh. I guess don't beat yourself over the head if you're not in the mood. I'd suggest looking up online about the feeling and see what others have to say.

Image is of Bokko in her aline-form suit from Tezuka's Wonder 3.



>I have more examples but I'm afraid they're NSFW (nothing TOO major; barely any show genitals or nipples). That and they'd weird the fuck out of some folks.

You haven't been in /h/, heh?



I skimmed a bit there and I can kind of see what you mean. Although I just wasn't sure if anyone was up to see either fat or inflation art (almost all of it furry-related).



We have furry, eroguro, insect, futa and I remember seeing chubby there, along other things.
If in any case you don't want to "offend" anyone, you can always spoiler and mark it.



Yeah, heh, you're right. :P

And about the glitch art stuff, I was afraid it would like "poser" art or whatenot. That or "OMG UR JUST A LAZYASS ARTIST" But eh, I don't mind as much, anymore. It would be neat if a few are interested in me making more.

But yeah, I'm hoping to see more NEET artist on here.


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I'm still interested meeting any other NEET artist on here.

On a sidenote, I created this glitch art a day or so ago.


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hello. Analog glitch here.
I am making digital ones too, but i like analog ones better, because it's more fun


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A preview on a one-shot comic thingy. It'll probably be about 3 or 4 pages long; it depends.

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