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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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File: 1334624614330.png (108.8 KB, 209x250, gbBuyoobi.png)


Pretty please?

I don't think I'd look all that different as a dude.


File: 1334624837494.png (32.66 KB, 393x432, canto.png)




Canta why do you tease me with your mustache? Are you trying to hurt me?


File: 1334626027399.png (12.6 KB, 228x246, canto2.png)


I'd still go hard gay for you, Buyoobi!


So if I'm a relatively straight guy who wishes he were a gay girl, would genderbent me be a relatively straight girl who wishes she were a gay guy, or a happy lesbian?


File: 1334781870027.jpg (Spoiler Image, 236.55 KB, 525x940, gh_female_version.jpg)

I've drawn my genderbend some time ago actually.


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I'm so damned androgynous, I might as well have drawn my regular self.

I would also probably wear school uniforms more often when I crossdress, because suits are normal boring male attire, and I've got a fetish for both.

Also, being an unusually tall girl, I'd be an unusually tall boy. I would be seven/eight goddamn feet tall, with bad posture. >_> My poor male spine.

Depends on whether you're switching views on bodies as well as bodies.


massive crush, and I don't even know you


GTFO dyke


ね?nえwふぁgU hEREDONTKNOWHOW tお reply single post uto. 4979???#


File: 1580510766811.png (19.5 KB, 600x600, download20200105194412.png)

Same shit, shorter hair.


File: 1580668663238.png (19 KB, 607x461, untitled(11).png)

Damn, we should bring these threads back, drawing and filling out charts and shit. Thanks >>4979 for bumping you dumb faggot. I reckon I would look something like this. I'm probably feminine enough to pull it off IRL, if I could just get my hair to grow that long.


File: 1581299884001.png (1.45 MB, 1597x1597, ramranch.png)

I did a long, long time ago.


File: 1582315564660.png (87.81 KB, 420x719, boy_ver.PNG)

My biggest fear when I was a teen was if I cut my long hair people would confuse me for a young boy.

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