Wizardchan - they are way too hermetic and paranoid for their own good. As evidenced by the thread about WC on CWCki forums, aptly located in the "Lolcows" section, where the forumites make fun of the many hilariously wrong things wizards say or do by pointing out how removed from reality they are.
/jp/ - while I would like to learn Japanese one day, they are way too Touhou and Japan-oriented for me.
There are two other chans called and tohno-chan, OP. You might be interested in them.
Personally, I got burned on Wizardchan, and no longer wish to associate myself with NEET communities. I am now certain I am not alone in the world in my situation. However, I wish to change it, and those communities do not seem to help at all. They only reinforced my belief that being a NEET is a bad thing.
I've been to /jp/ but never relay engaged in conversation, and I used to go to Pooshlemer, but other than that I only come here.
>>7890Cwcki is just assholes. Wizardchan isn't that bad.
>>7894I'm glad their pathetic lives could serve some purpose.
Nothing makes me feel jolly this season as seeing wizardchan nerds get their hefty dose of comeuppance. Hahaha yessss feed me your tears, depressed white teen Men.
>>7889/jp/ certainly isn't the oldest as far as english anon boards go…
/jp/ and its spinoffs, tohno's /so/,, hikkichan, anonib's /h/, and a few other textboards like the ones on 4-ch. i'm sure i've missed some but no matter. oh and for /jp/, since neet threads were banished, they started popping up on other 4chan boards more often like /r9k/. it's not really the same, but at least it's something.
also i recommend everyone dissatisfied with wizchan to check out virginchan. it's the same concept without the elitism and bitterness.
>>7899>>7900Where is this hate coming from?
>teen No.7904
>>7901Virginchan is basically the same thing without a no social stuff rule yet. I doubt people like
>>7899 >>7901 will like it since they're still evil white men who committed the crime of being lonely.
File: 1387962710445.jpg (Spoiler Image, 112.29 KB, 969x800, 27b3e65635a9d664a9a2708e93….jpg)

>>7905Please hurt me more <3
Can I get a link to virgin chan? I can't find it
I post occasionally on 4chans NEETadv, and am somewhat active in the threads IRC channel.
>>7894/v9k/ flooded with shitposting, no surprise.
>>7895For some reason I really like that pic.
Also, I agree, it's a bit difficult to talk to or want to associate with people as delusional as most of those on wizardchan. I used to be something of a regular on /adv/, but that was back before they had consistent posts about NEET issues.
>>7890Eh, I don't know about that. I don't really associate with the label of NEET itself too much, though that is pretty much what I am, and I do wish to improve myself. I stuck around here because there are interesting and likable people and some of the discussions are at least amusing.
I don't really look to communities to try and support me emotionally or confirm, that my life choices are correct, though I can see why people would see this sort of community as being a potential negative simply because it could help to make people overly complacent with what they still see themselves as an empty way of living and/or reinforce the belief that the way they're able to cope with living is unhealthy by its very premise and nature.
Sorry if I misinterpreted you. I only seem to get on here late at night or early in the morning anymore.
>>7967Suicide is for fucking cowards and it's just a cry for attention anyways, no wonder the virgin nerd dudes on the /wiz/ do it with their victim complex Lol.
>>7964I like that pic because it reminds me of a girl gamer (different from a GAMER GURL), who's probably NEET and chill as fuck. We could smoke weed and pop pills just the two of us and watch Dr. Who on Netflix.
>>7971no-one on uboachan is going to bother with a hotline. it's not in the collective character.
>>7967Semi-regular Wizardchan browser here. Nobody there actually wants the suicide hotlinks at the top.
>>7890We have a reason to be paranoid. We have CWCiki,888chan, some bitch from /r9k/, and even more trolls from our attention with the depression quest thing.
☯ CWCiki is good because they ruined the life of a homophobic shitlord and killed his white-supremacist garbage dad to boot.
☯ 888chan, particularly the /cow/ board, are responsible for criticizing the distorted world view of the autistic manchildren on wizardchan. And I love the lulz that comes from the lulzcow board, it is practically crack for me.
☯ That "b*tch" from /r9k/ is doing good by trolling you neckbeards. Just because you're all losers with no prospects in your lives doesn't mean you're incapable of doing wrong.
☯ Zoe Quinnzel's Depression Quest deserves high praise and is just as good if not better than milestones like Walking Dead or Gone Home. It explores the type of depression that comes with socially and financially affluent life circumstances, and not the boring kind of depression that all wizardchan users suffer from. "Waaaaah I've never had a girlfriend."
>>8011>is just as good if not better than milestones like Walking DeadI thought you were some stupid 15 year old kid at first, then I realised you were trolling.
I quite like Wizardchan if only because of the more normal color scheme.
>>8147Meant for
>>8111Damn noscript
>>8149Well, that's in the rules. Even if the rules are stupid, if you break them you're gonna get v&.
Why do you complain you were banned if you didn't even read the rules?
>>8150I'm not complaining, it has made me laugh quite suddenly, when much of my day is non-funny.
Are you a virgin?
>>8152Ah, ok, this made me think it was.
>I am now left wondering what I thought was to be gained from associating with the developmentally diluted…
>Are you a virgin?You know you're in uboachan, right? what do you expect?
>>8153This place is just like any other modern chan, a moderate number of people have had sexual encounters. Does it matter though?
>>8158other anon. No but you shouldn't talk about this. I creates butthurt, mostly
>This place is just like any other modern chan, a moderate number of people have had sexual encounters. Does it matter though?No, as far as I can tell, most of the readable post are talking about how their social anxiety fucks in their relationships, their inability to socialize, etc.
Yes, I'm virgin, though is not a problem for me since I'm not interested in sex.
As you said, it doesn't matter.
It does matter in wizzardchan, though, and it is stated in the rules that you should not post about it. Even when I personally believe that rule is kinda stupid, it's their site and they do there what they want to do (and by this I don't say wizzardchan is shitty or something; I go there once in a while), but I can't be called a 'regular').
>>8160therefore the "most". there are many niche chans, like wizardchan, or virginchan, where most posters are virgins. Those chans are generally less common. To my knowledge, a fair amount of people on uboachan, gurochan, 888chan have had [not necessarily satisfactory] sex. Many choose not to talk about it, because other people sometimes find it offensive, and it doesn't add up to the discussion at hand most of the time. 4chan is full of whores.
>>8158It doesn't matter but are you a virgin? just curious.
>>8171Sure. I'm just clearing up though, WC is one of a kind. I don't think it's a good idea to focus on social status on anon boards. That's why they are anon boards, that's why people come here, yes? They were built on the idea that you are heard by everyone no matter who you are, which is not so in the real world.
Having sex or not having sex, neither determine the content and quality of your posts. That's what I meant to say.
>>8175Ah I see, I understand. But you're wrong since virgins are all retarded and dumber than sex-havers, just look at uboachan.
Sorry I took so long to reply, I just got back from the gym.
>>8243Nevermind the tepid burn, What the fuck happened to NGE_Rei_what_the_fuck1-12?? is what i wanna know.
>>8244I too am interested
>>8241You seem like a prick
>>8149>whole website is about virgins>gloating he got banned for talking about having sexJudgmental assholes like you are exactly why they have the rule in the first place.
>>8358I've been on wizardchan and never knew it was for virgins, because I guess some people arent interested in the rules of imageboards.
Oh shit, you have to hyphenate image-board here, DON
>>8358You are definitely the judgmental asshole in this equation, holy smokes!
I've wet my weenie, too, does that make me a bad person? Am I a bad boy…
So who here came from
No.10260 might be better for some people who want a small place for the specific topic of hikkikomori.
No.10333 now no longer seems to refer to this page since yesterday, but is now just an empty page :'( bye
>>10333I felt bad and don't want to risk increasing the influx of shitposters.
In before my IP address is banned from Uboachan due to new Russian ISP.
>>10355It's already been done. I think the shitposters assimilated, or at least are working on it. Don't worry about it.
Also, ubuu has nothing against russian IPs, unless they spam CP links.
>>10356Ah, okay. It's just that I seem to be banned from every other imageboard even though this IP has been allocated to me for a long time and has never been used. I assume it's just ISP range blocking as this AS seems popular for VPN hosts or Tor nodes or whatever.
Not even wizardchan is a manket friendly place, and certanly not here since it seems populated by the Lefties who desire pain and torture to those they consider of inferior genetics and glory to the ones they consider superior.
stay out of my wizardchan you god damn normies, everyone hates you over there
It's one of very few places I get the rare sense that someone understands my situation and thoughts. Lots of troll posters though.
Even here, I have a sense of inferiority. A lot of posters here seem to have a small group of friends and income. Or a talent.
>>13264I always get the sense that Wizardchan is elitist about its inferiority. It makes me feel inferior for not reaching their superior levels of inferiority! Here I feel like everyone is welcome while there it seems like you have to pass a rigorous checklist to be allowed to post. Even though I DO meet that checklist, I don't want to be in a judgmental, cordoned-off community like that. I don't want to immerse myself in hopelessness and bitterness every day, I like the more laid-back, constructive, open-ended nature of this place. I don't feel bad about being a NEET when I'm here. You could make Chris-chan look well-adjusted and this place would still accept you
as long as you aren't a dick. That's the feeling I get, anyway.
>>13266This is an apt description. I tried out their IRC channel, and it was cool for a few minutes, until I was banned for casually suggesting that this one guy talk to a girl with marijuana socks he saw on his college campus. Apparently in their rules, you aren't allowed to encourage people to make friends. This experience has turned me off from using Wizardchan. So yes, their rules and expectations aren't welcoming or open, but rather, quite narrow-minded and repellant. Wizardchan may just all be a joke, or I'd hope so. No.13271
>>13268I got banned from their IRC for saying that someone texted me
Also, how do I turn off this snow
>>13271The snow ride never ends
>>13271It should be gone after new years. Untill then, buckle up and enjoy.
>> RIP
>>13268I enjoy wizardchans IRC.
>>13274Why after new years? Winter doesn't end at new year.
>>13275Check out , it's really nice
Wizardchan is dead, finally.
>>7888Wizardchan is like a lame Phoenix: when it dies it comes back to life, each time shittier than before.
>>13311Wait, what happened this time?
>>7890Nice logic there. CWCki makes fun of wizardchan so obviously we deserve it. Fucking bully.
By the way, please ban Loserbernd. He is a Gay Niggers (GNAA) troll, a hacker, and a misogynist. All of these things are bannable on uboachan to my knowledge.
>>13322I think people actually do have a right to freedom of speech, even if that extends to them probably being backward or something else that now equates to "asshole". To be banned you actually need to attack someone in a significant way, just having thoughts or doing something in your off-time isn't a crime. And even if not, holy hell you're a whiny little worm.
Mod Chan pls read
>>13323 k sarcasm is not bannable and harmless merry chesirmas
>>13324lol sorry
went autistic for a moment it seems
>>13311Look how butthurt you are that they wouldn't let you namefag. Attention starved piece of shit.
>>13331Nah, s/he is right. It was high time for that shithole to sink into oblivion, where it belongs.
>>13331You mad, wannabe wizard?
It's ridiculous anyways, because
1.99% of the people there aren't even over 30 years old
2.Don't pursue anything wizard related stuff like studying science&technology at university or being a PhD in research.
All small wannabe faggets.
>>13334>being a PhD in researchnice to see another person with my fondness for drinking