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/n/ - NEET

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 No.7764[Last 50 Posts]

paste whatever you have copied


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effect, effective, action

fuck that's from something I should have been working on hours ago




* Connecting to arch.edu.pl (6667)
* [10053] Software caused connection abort
* Disconnected

no chattan for me ;_;


Databases found for uboachan.net (2)
Would you like to get the passwords?




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(Links indirectly to an Animal Crossing blog post I can't paste directly into Google Translate.)


"They hate on me, and I run, and I run, and I run. . .but it ain’t never good enough for em, man! I run because that’s what Jason told me to do when they came after me for bein’ gay. He told me to run. Just run as fast and as far as I could. If I ran like the wind, nobody could catch me to hurt me."


I've nothing copied apparently.


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Oh man, thanks! I don't want to go deep into "me being the best" (lol) right now, for fear that my one fragile illusion in life be shattered at an inopportune time. But someday for sure can be cool!
There's not much reason to not be thoughtful - what else is the brain going to do? I suppose it can focus on the Big Games. :b


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hh.hhh….here I go
Check your cis privilege, shitlord. I'm a transethnic (for all you cis scum that means I identify as African American even though this oppressive patriarchy labels me as Caucasian) websitefluid (identify with multiple websites) transcendentalgender (my gender is so unique it transcends the physical realm and exists solely as pure energy in the 5th dimension) fat-neutral (identify as both anorexic and obese even though this oppressive society labels me as morbidly obese) polypseciesist (am not human nor animal but a composite of everything from plants to single celled organisms and insects) and can confirm that tumblr is the most accurate place on gender issues in this oppressive shitlord world.
I hope you enjoyed anonymous!



My mother wanted an mp3 of Moonlight Sonata for x-mass so she will be getting this instead


"i fucked a bowl of pudding"

god fucking dammit r3troguy


skeleton Jelly



Zasadniczym tematem utworu nie są przygody Józia i oryginalnie stworzona fabuła. "Ferdydurke", obok powstałego wiele lat później "Transatlantyku", to przede wszystkim dyskusja autora o formowaniu się człowieka. O tym, jak skazany jest on stale nie tylko na wpływy zewnętrzne ale i też na 'samowidzenie się'.


>song about sex
>length is 0:69




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niedługo szkoła, pakować się


Your brother sounds like a cunt. If you have a cunt relative, forcing them to be unable to see you can make them see that maybe they have been a cunt, and after a year or two, they may almost *beg* you to come back into their life; the funny part is that you may not be bothered to let them back in, and be better off for it. Make no mistake whatsoever, Internet: there are likely people in your life, right now, as you read this, who are holding you back, making you feel badly over and over again, and it's because it is a pattern. You see it, they instigate it; they won't see it as you do, and if it never harms them, they will never care to stop harming you. Fuck prick cunts and fuck their prick cunt hearts.


but mummmmmm i wanna be a part of spierdolin's colectiveeeeeee



@countrymen crawling out of the woodwork at the first sign of something being posted in Polish:
Tęga implikacja, kumie. Z tego, co się orientuję, ferie świąteczne kończą się dzieciakom chyba 7 stycznia, bądź coś koło tego, więc nie tak znowu "niedługo". Zawartość mojego schowka była parę dni temu taka a nie inna dlatego, że akurat wpadłem na pomysł odswieżenia sobie niektórych lektur szkolnych z okazji przypomnienia o gombrowiczowskiej łydce, a ponieważ pewien typ na pewnym czacie pytał mnie, czy 30 Door Key warto przeczytać, przytoczyłem mu powyższy wycinek z wiki. Chociaż nie powiem, do wieku licealnego chętnie bym się cofnął. Wszystko, byle nie to zakichane bezrobocie. Zresztą, co ją się będę zadawał z obmierzłą 2huciotą… pewnie nawet IN na Easy nie przeszedłeś, jak większość twojej jarającej się lolitkami, melodyjkami i heheśmisznymi memami fanbazy.


>używanie polskiego internetowego grypsu
>w roku niemalże 2014
karaczanofagasie pls go and stay go**

Drogie ziemniaczane anonimy, też się cieszę, że nie jestem tutaj jedynym biedakiem-burakiem-cebulakiem, ale załóżcie proszę własną nić tutaj lub na /ot/, jak Ruski na /yn/, jeśli chcecie dalej pokazywać, jak to nie jesteście gęsiami. Wpierdalacie się innym w nikomu nie wadzący temat do gavnopostowania. Pozdrawiam, Witold.


4527 8900 1227 my 3DS Friend Code


斧乃木 余接




Yoshi Ikuzo : "Ora Toukyou sa Igu da"



Look at my ENTIRE collection of dicks






Civilization V: Brave New World - PART 3 - Steam Train

Poor stupid Ross.


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      ⌂house i made from square &nd   triangle


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<Shadows> Affection distracts me too much, and yet no affection is depressing.
<Shadows> So either way, my school work suffers. the same amount.


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And this thing is just showing one more time my preference for lolita dresses and striped stockings.


They met during social interaction in Algebra class.
She was expressionless at first, but then "smiled" to indicate submission.
He rearranged his facial features to appear "friendly."
After determining that their popularity status was comparable,
they decided that a "relationship" would be mutually beneficial.
They were careful to be seen together
at the local fast-food franchises.
He had a stylized speech pattern.
She used all the newest slang.
When they talked on the telephone,
they had troubled generating conversation stimulus.
They programmed "arguments" into their "relationship"
to make their lives seem "meaningful."
They could act "really mad" or "happy" or even "sad"
according to the current pre-fabricated social circumstances.
He had programmed his "personality"
to conform to adolescent trends.
She had synthesized her "emotions"
based on accepted teen sex-role characteristics.
They had copied all aspects of their behavior
from what they had observed in society.
Ego complex, insecurity syndrome
Oo yeah, they were really "goin' gud."
They were killed in an auto wreck as they were driving to and fro.
After drinking two beers, he was pretending to be "drunk."
While the local popular radio station
played the newest pre-designated, youth-oriented "top-forty hit,"
he was decapitated in an explosion of flames and glass fragments.
Her body was found crushed into the dashboard.
A mini-cam report described them as "fine youngsters."
They never got a chance to fulfill their "career dreams."
They were killed in an auto wreck as they were driving to and fro.
After drinking two beers, he was pretending to be "drunk."
While the local popular radio station
played the newest pre-designated, youth-oriented "top-forty hit,"
he was decapitated in an explosion of flames and glass fragments.
Her body was found crushed into the dashboard.
A mini-cam report described them as "fine youngsters."
They never got a chance to fulfill their "career dreams."

Kinda reminds me of Breakfast of Champions.


People call that "living"?

It's like they were stuck in the opening cinematic of a videogame, never to acquire control of their character.

Must be a PS3 game




Summer Fades Away


I hope yall feel safe, they call me the AIDS man, I caught HIV years ago and now becouse of ppl like you I have a mission to infect as many as I can. Enjoy ur aids yall


[8:52:59 AM] Goon Bug: Mason
[8:53:02 AM] Goon Bug: stop being a fergert


Who's Goon Bug? I want to thank the person that made me spit cereal and soda all over my laptop for coming up with the Ermahgerd version of "faggot."


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Goon bug is "satsuamaro" from the Skype thread.

Go ahead and ask their opinion on Dormilia.




It's the face of God from Oyasumi Pun Pun.


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it was a link to this picture



Did anyone else sleep with this girl that frequents anime conventions in the US?

Because I did and I've been hearing that she slept around…like a lot. I'm thinking I might need to get tested for something.


nice /cgl/ pasta

srs though, condoms are free. go to a college and find their pride organization or similar. if that fails go to a hospital, they probably will give free condoms


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>[avi/1007mb] abp-097 一泊二日、美少女完全予約制。 第二章 ~長野くみの場合~

There is a good explanation to this.


File: 1394167805612.jpg (60.51 KB, 263x246, 1365482413980.jpg)

>stopping one night
>second day of the month
>beautiful girl
>on a subscription basis
>second chapter
>something about a group in Nagano

son what you been watching 1007 mbs of



I've noticed quite a bit of leddit bullshit on this site. Is this the face for all chans to be taken over reddit? Where the fuck can I find a Chan without leddit


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No, it's just a bunch of stupids users who spam their maymays all over the chans. I'd wish leddit cancer stayed where it should, and its retarded users as well.


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File: 1394239369986.jpeg (160.21 KB, 1280x720, screenshot-00439.jpeg)

shit. I just repost images I found on the rogan board, but I'm probably guilty of this.

don't worry you guys I will start screenshotting the anime I watch.


There isn't a wordfilter on this website, you can type it the normal way, "reddit."


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1. leddit

Nickname for reddit. It is taking the piss out of the cancerous "rage comic" meme that describe everything with 'le'. Coined (like most things) on 4chan, the arch-rival of reddit.
Redditer: Hey friend, do you wanna browse reddit with me?

4chaner: Stfu you leddit fag
by JiminyJesus December 31, 2013


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Yay glitched Madotsuki.
I made this one.

Anyway here is the last thing I copied



when I copy and paste here I get this:

but when I copy and paste into Skype I get this:
and I don't even know where this came from or what it is.





Pretty good


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>ass nerds


It all started when I introduced my girlfriend to WoW. I got her in my high end raiding guild thinking she would hit level 40 and then quit. She actually became quite involved, and I helped her with quests and such. She made a priest, which matched with my 60 mage in Tier2+AQ gear quite well.

Anyway, fast forward to her hitting level 60. After some convincing I get her into regular BWL raids in shitty blue and green gear. She is auto'd a lot of gear because all of our priests have pretty much everything they want out of BWL, and she is very happy about this.

It was kinda nice, coming home after work, and sitting in the same room with her, being able to share my hobby. I thought it strengthened our relationship significantly. We talked a lot more, spent more time together, and generally got along better. I should have known that when WoW became the topic of conversations 90% of the time that it might be getting too unhealthy.

After she was geared up a bit, she got used to being on ventrillo and chatting with the guild members. Now, I'm not the passive aggressive type so I made sure all of those little nerds knew that she was my woman, and that we lived together. She had a few puppy dogs follow her around, but nothing too serious. However, I began to notice that her and my guild master had been talking quite a bit in tells. Every time I came in the room she would switch to her combat log so I couldn't see what she was talking about in tells. I thought nothing of it, I used to have a nervous tick like that when I lived with my parents.

Well, one day I came home and she was in the bathroom. I looked on her screen and saw some very… sexual and detailed conversation with my guild master. My heart starts pounding.

I storm to the bathroom door while she's taking a shit and start pounding on it, I screamed "ARE YOU FUCKING MY GUILD MASTER" "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY FUCKING DOING THIS TO ME?" Silence. She knew what happened. She knew she should have logged off when she went to take a shit. I guess it was fate's way of clueing me in on what the fuck was going on.

She came out after about 20 minutes and told me that she had fallen in love with my guild master, let's call him "Tom".

Tom lives about 4 hours from us and we had never met, but she later confessed that one of the weekends she spent with her "parents" was actually at Tom's house. She said they had sex, a lot.

I started crying uncontrollably. What was I going to do? We are in a lease contract for another 7 months, how the fuck can I handle this? I went right to bed and locked the door, she slept on the couch that night. Days went by and we didn't talk much, and she slept on the couch. I stopped playing WoW all together.

I thought I could live out the lease until I heard that she is having Tom over. I fucking flipped. She claimed that she had a right to have people over, just like I did. I had to concede and let her invite this fucktard over. When he got there I just kind of glared at him to let him know I was pissed and not having any of his shit. He doesn't say anything to me and then they go in the computer room and shut the door.

I got to my bed and start to cry.

Then it starts. I hear them fucking. I start going insane with jealousy, rage, and sadness all at once. I don't know what to do. I went to the kitchen and got two Unisom, took them, and passed out shortly after.

That was last night. This morning, I logged on to WoW and deleted my mage in a crying fit. I then kicked my computer so hard that the heatsink fell off of the CPU and smashed into my video card, breaking it.

I guess I'm at a loss. I really don't know what to do. I've thought about killing myself, but I don't think it would be fair to me, or my friends and family… what little I have left.


I can't lend sympathy to someone that has ignored the cries of millions before his time, pleading not to waste life on chasing girls. Maybe now you get it. Pray that others do when you beg them.

But for now, feel absolute despair. It will pass, anyway.


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just rewatched this spongebob episode on netflix and just

what a fucking shitty episode holy shit

The episode should have made it a point that making jokes at the expense of others for "comedy" is a bad and gross thing to do, but instead it ends with Spongebob making race jokes out of all audiences (crabs are cheap, fish stink, etc.) What are we supposed to extract from this? That it's ok to be racist as long as you're racist towards everybody? lmfao, please, i know it's too much to expect from writers 10 years ago but that 13 year old white male teenager mentality of "I don't hate ____, I hate everybody equally!!" is Boring and Bad.

>Ok u said ur piece but lets talk more in detail when every sea critter in Bikini Bottom makes fun of Sandy because of her being a squirrel

I actually think liberal "ally" types interpret this episode the wrong way. Let me explain - would you call it racism if a Poor White Guy ;_; was made fun of by People of Color in a school in South Africa? No, because you can't be racist UNLESS you have more privilege. It's discriminatory behavior, sure, if you want to make a big deal out of it, but it is not racist by any means. Sandy, being a land creature, exemplifies that White Person role while the sea folk could be interpreted as various PoC. Yet we're supposed to see Sandy as the victim of racism? Just…no.


Mainly the internet.














hopefully these new antidepressants work out and i'll have more energy


Full Graphic T-shirt


File: 1397702974747.jpg (2.09 MB, 3264x2448, 1396643237753.jpg)

That thread looks like it belongs in /x/ with all the creepy backgrounds. Speaking of backgrounds, those pics would make for good visual novel backgrounds in some sort of Fate/Stay Night made by the makers of Saya no Uta. It would be about the decline of civilization with a post-apocalyptic background.



all work and no play makes jack a dull boy




<be8f07c4> activity varies


A Gift from a Flower to a Garden


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Shinko Aoki




File: 1398551505485.jpg (39.89 KB, 446x613, 27982_105303262849403_5092….jpg)

>>asian gym

im fuckn pervert


File: 1398699241147.png (6.27 KB, 477x284, tumblr_mchaxhLm1j1rehruqo1….png)


fuckin seagate, man



seems like at least I was trying to do something productive today.


File: 1398931265995.jpg (373.36 KB, 900x1200, du535ab160.jpg)

You are not going insane.


Sunset Lavender Wrap


No puedo enterrar datos, pero quizá esto se le acerque lo bastante. Nuestro tiempo juntos nunca existió, pero fue lo bastante real para nosotros.
Los días que están por llegar serán solitarios sin ti. Los días que pasamos juntos habrían sido mucho más solitarios si nunca te hubiera conocido.
De haber alguna deidad por ahí que pueda oír la plegaria de una inexistencia,
De haber una vida más allá de esta,
Por favor, permite que nos veamos de nuevo allí.


Das Keyboard Model S Professional

It's for my new computer. It's going to be hell waiting for the parts to be delivered. I've probably checked the status over 50 times today so far.


File: 1398996472282.jpg (13.51 KB, 229x172, Close_up_face[1].jpg)

Was going to make a thread but I didn't think anyone would care, so I'll put it here.
>Doing homework
>Knock on door
>"M-maybe kirby got delivered early?"
>Open door after putting things away
>Screen door is closed, two teenagers are standing there
>Killbill mode engage
>They ask me if they can speak to man or lady of the house
>Its my house, somehow manage to barf out that that was me
>"What? how old are you?!"
>I mumble out 22
>"twenty?!" kid walks away
>Other stays, trying to sell me on magazines for books for college or some shit
>I should be getting this, not paying for it
>He holds out a card with info, I grab it shakily
>I'm like full on shaking, holy shit I must look crazy
>Tell him I don't have money, ask for website
>No website
>Nope out of there and close door
Hopefully they don't try to fuck with my door. Atleast outside its just a bike, but its my roommate and he probably deserves it.


Dunno if you'll see this but fuck that bitch man. Who does that, and her bringing the dude there is really fucking sick. Fuck her, kick her out if you can afford it. Maybe have a friend move in to help pay rent?




that's copypasta, friend, I really doubt that actually happened, and if it did, not to the poster on this thread.


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Wow its been a while since I've fallen for copypasta. My bad lol




-May possibly be my last.


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I hate living in an apartment



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Roger Scruton


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Criteria for being my friend

- Have a knowledge of what the good memes are as opposed to the bad ones. Shrek, Doge and 2Spooky Skellington memes are topkek, bad ones like ragefaces from Reddit the bad website aren't.
- Programming experience (C, C#, C++, Java, PHP etc). Don't talk to me if you can't program or build your own pc. And NO I will not fix your computer
- No irony hipster trols. (see pic). Seriously, no one is impressed by your "ebin win trolling xDDD." 0/10 Try harder, and next time, maybe try using better bait.
- Must be good at Minecraft


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Clearly a fantastic person to be friends with…



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128 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


(naturally not the case)


"Ewe that's so disgusting" Lol. Sorry you're so close minded and boring that you can't enjoy a fetish. Let me guess … your a butthurt Christfag who has sex in the missionary, right? lmfao. Well for every time you do one vanilla sex, I will blow my load to fucked up fetishes online three times, fucktard.


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Ugh..this brings back bad memory feels when I used to act like Davido-kun, so inexperienced and saw Japan as the motherland of anime and videogames. Thankfully I've grown out of this myopic perception of the world since last year and I've made efforts to criticize Nerd Culture and the god damn bull shit that comes with it.

Funny video by the way. I literally felt a mixture of cringe-induced facepalm and topkek side splittage. 'twas a glorious feel.

>mfw [spaghetti intensifies] throughout the whole thing





From a 1965 honda Manual:

At the rise of the hand of the policeman, stop rapidly.
Do not pass him by or otherwise disrespect him.

When a passenger of the foot hove in sight, tootle the horn trumpet
to him melodiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage
tootle him with vigor and express the word of mouth the warning "Hi! Hi!"

Beware the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him.
Do not explode the exhaust box at him. Go soothingly by or stop by the roadside till he pass away.

Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in the roadway.
Avoid entanglement of dog with your wheel spokes.

Go soothingly on the grease-mud, as there lurk the skid demons.
Press the brake of the foot as you roll around corners to save the
collapse and tie up.


ich liebe dich olm


Risset accelerando beat




ブログ書きました。小説版「魔王物語物語」 と新作爆発ゲーム「ムラサキ」のお知らせ - カタテマ日記


It hasn't even come to life yet. Just give it time and think out where to advertise while posting. I am. I feel we're making good progress.








I don't understand. Why link a picture when you can just post it?


On one hand, not only does she manage to form a team made up of her few close friends [Ashe, Raven and Blair] and some few of the BW 'bots that were left behind [including the ones from the Second Chances fancomic], but also comes to terms with herself on a more spiritual [and literal] aspect, too, resulting in her 'rebirth'.

But on the other hand she is able to read people's emotions like an open book, and ties her best to remind them what they're fighting for, as well as help suit the needs of her friends/teammates in battle and tough scenarios.




Mumble. its somehow related to IRC. the fuck is it?





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