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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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>create OKC profile
>fill all the information in with my own personality, complete honest, no cliches, no trying too hard, just me
>set gender to bisexual female
>use some random girl photo

In the space of about 5 days I was constantly complimented on how awesome I am, how great my music taste is, I was invited out for coffee and drinks by men AND women on a daily basis, I got into very long, interesting conversations about all sorts of subjects, I was told multiple times that I have the most interesting profile on the site. I felt happy… I felt like I was finally a proper person.

Now I'm not transgendered. So I'll have to accept this is just how life works. But it's amazing to me that the only thing standing between me having a rich, full social life and being a complete basement dweller is being born male. That's seriously all there is. None of those people would have cared about me if I was honest about my gender. None of them.


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in b4 more sexist drama


You probably wouldn't get a rich, full social life because most of the people who act like that are scum.


being a woman is nothing special, like, what is this even about, they are all idiots like normal people what do you expect?


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Not this shit again…


It doesnt need to end like that this can be constructive, nice double dubs btw.


You can cry about it all your life or accept the truth of the current paradigm.

Alternatively, shatter standards and create new societal trends so that nobody suffers like you in future generations. Don't undermine your influence. Even imprinting a single person with an idea is progress.



part of the problem is that no one thinks a girl is gonna rape them to death, but a single dude who never comes out of his basement… who knows. regular folks do not think highly of the quiet and introverted. they do not grok the NEET. they also do not know what "grok" means

isolation is hard to shake off once you're years into it. try again with a real profile, do all the same stuff. take down the fake one




Y-yeah. there's no way i'd accept their stupid invites anyways. Who the hell would date a normie, not me ha ha ha


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Do this again and be honest about your gender so we can actually compare instead of speculate.

How many men and women invited you out?
What did you talk about? Or is the majority of what you got from this a bunch of compliments?

Did you act feminine?

Does anyone think that the stereotype/trope/social custom/whatever of men seeking women has any effect on this? Not just that men should seek women, but that women should be sought? Hence why both men and women would be more likely to attempt something with a woman, rather than a man.

I'm really interested in this, can you tell?


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Also, what pic did you use in that profile, OP?
You can try out and see what happens if you use one with an uglier girl too.

I feel like we're experimenting with normies. I like that feeling.


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I know that feel OP. I'm not transgendered, either, but I'd love if boys were the gender that got to wear cute clothes and have women look at them. I'm jealous of all the free attention you seem to get just by being female. They have life on easy mode.


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So what, we would be like peacocks and attract a mate by showing off our beautiful feathers?


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Yo, speaking from experience, guys can totally wear cute clothes and get loadsa compliments and shit from women. There are some people who aren't okay with it though, but women get a lot of bad responses to their looks too ("slut", sexual harassment, general obesity shaming when not wearing blobbish clothing, etc).

Also plz don't say women have life easy just because they're allowed more freedom in clothing. It's really not the case. And women are expected to dress nicely, for us men; it's not easy to get past that and dress for your own enjoyment.

Though if you did more literally mean that you're jealous of the attention - it's much easier to realize that a lot of the attention isn't positive.


>women are expected to dress nicely, for us men
This is definitely not true. Women dress nicely for other women. I can tell you from experience that women are absolutely viscous with each other about that kind of thing, and all the girls I know dress and act certain ways to appease their friends and group. Not men.


In America, girls are raised taught how to best please men. Women keep each other looking nice enough to not be a shame to their gender, but not quite nice enough that they look nicer.

This is what I've learned. If you have a different explanation, I would genuinely like to hear it.


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If it is of interest I'm ABC (American-born Chinese) and my mom often pressures me and shames my appearance to try and encourage me to look pretty and presentable, lose weight, etc. According to her,if I don't marry a nice man and have his children, I will die unloved and alone. She also used to tell me things like "this is the reason why you have no friends" and "this is why no one likes you" to talk about how I'm fat and ugly and don't dress up nice enough for other people. So I guess it's technically girl-girl interaction involved, but it's also pretty dude-oriented, at least this being from my personal experience. I'm sure like most things it's different for every person, because y'know humans tend to be fairly different in their experiences.

(Unrelated: I'd fucking give my arm to be able to pull of dude clothes. I hate shopping for my female body. I hate shopping and ending up with dumb girly clothes that show all my skin everywhere. But I'm not even allowed to use the changing rooms in male's sections in clothing stores, so I'm kinda stuck.)


Are those restrictions on clothes shopping set by your mom or something/someone else? There are plenty of guys' clothes that will look fine on any body shape that will fit in it.


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> it's technically girl-girl interaction involved, but it's also pretty dude-oriented

This is such a difficult concept for people to grasp.
And by people I mean men.

>I'm jealous of all the free attention you seem to get just by being female.

Are you fucking kidding me.


>This is such a difficult concept for people to grasp.
>And by people I mean men.
I'm not sure if I count as much of a man (gender neutral), but I understand it perfectly and fail to see what would be hard to understand about it.


I'm jealous of the negative attention too. I want to be some anon's cumslut.


No, I'm not fucking kidding you. What's wrong with what I said? Women get a lot more free attention than men do in society, just look at imageboards, or any nerd community. Men are basically boring and disposable.


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>Gender neutral


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You know what. I'm not going to explain to you why everything you're said is stupid. Whatever I say is feminist propaganda anyways.

I get that the bad looks good when you're getting nothing, but I'm not going to pretend that the bad is good because your low sense of self depends on a stupid lie.

>man (gender neutral)


So. OP, have you made any other accounts?


Women do get more attention. The problem is that you shouldn't necessarily be jealous of it. A lot of times they're viewed as women-objects rather than individuals with valid things to say, as well as receiving a lot of harassment. If you really want that kind of attention, that's okay; just respect that a lot of people don't.

Bwahaha, sorry. I guess it's not a term that gets used much!
Basically, I just don't give a shit about gender roles, and don't want to be a part of either.
I don't feel like I identify with anything resembling a set gender, so I'm not "third gender" or anything like that.
I never feel different regarding my gender, so I'm not gender fluid.
You could call me genderless or agender with enough accuracy, but I think gender neutrality is an easier identity for others to understand.
I dress in girls' clothing, I dress in guys' clothing, indiscriminately. I don't even go for a particularly androgynous look, I just go with whatever looks good (and fits my mood ofc).
Does that make sense?

>man (gender neutral)
I'm generally regarded as a man, regardless of how I see myself, so it's pretty much my place in society, for better or worse.


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and, um, i guess if you think this "gender" is unreasonable, I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter and I'd seriously consider it!


I get this sinking feeling that I'm going to regret ever getting involved…

Keep in mind that essentially all of those complements you received are entirely hollow, sent only out of a desire to flatter you, secure a date with you, and gain access to the interior of your pants. I certainly wouldn't use them as any kind of indicator about what people honestly think of your personality. Also:
>using dating websites to estimate how your social life would go
I expect better from you, Anon. The foulest and most desperate excuses for human beings swarm those websites, making them wholly unrealistic (and unusable for their intended purpose, IMO).

At any rate, if you decide to make another account, please update us.

>I'm jealous of all the free attention you seem to get just by being female. They have life on easy mode.
Well, of course; who wouldn't be jealous (or envious, rather) of that? I myself would love to be ogled at by tons of passing males (including figures of authority and people whom I'm told that I'm supposed to be able to trust), knowing that they're fantasizing about doing all sorts of perverted, disgusting things to my body – likely without my consent and without any thought of whether or not I'd enjoy it – without the slightest consideration of the fact that, despite my female body, I'm a human being just like them.

Moreover, it'd be delightful to be approached by countless individuals of all shapes and sizes, knowing that, in at least 80% of those cases, the attention being given to me is not out of genuine curiosity about who I am as a person, but rather out of a basal, hungry desire to have free reign over my body, or to "own" me by having me as a girlfriend. But what does it matte if they aren't interested in who I am? The important thing is that I'm receiving tons of attention, and that I can always have a boyfriend whenever I want thanks to my female body; therefore, life will never be difficult or unpleasant for me, since, as we all know, being in a relationship – or, more specifically, having lots of steamy sex; the health of the relationship is irrelevant in comparison to the presence of regular sex, regardless of my enjoyment of it – and getting plenty of attention from the opposite sex are the keys to a happy and content life.

As far as shopping for male clothes go, I typically wear relaxed jeans with a belt and a baggy T-shirt, with or without thermal underclothing depending upon how cold it is outside. It's not exactly fashionable or flattering, but I daresay it'd work for pretty much anyone.

I feel you there. I'm biologically male, but I don't identify with any gender; if anything, I'm a computer program running on an intricate, fleshy computer (i.e. a brain). Being a particular gender is an utterly foreign concept to me. And, as you can tell from my clothing recommendation above, I dress androgynously in the sense that I choose neither male nor female fashion.


Ono thank you for getting involved, Kyoko! You said some things that are really good to think about!

And computer is a very good word to keep in mind while thinking about genderless or gender-neutral things~


A wise man once told me "guys use love to get sex and girls use sex to get love". This may not always be the case but it is certainly relevant to the issue at hand.

As long as you acknowledge your actions as reckless ahead of time and decide to enjoy your own recklessness you will never regret anything.


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I have spent a long time living as a woman and though I am not always seen as female I am seen as the girl of any group. I know this has gain me advantages, as does /being trans/ in some areas. A smaller pool to choose from has made many people interested in relationships with me who are gay or bi. I have always taken my appearance seriously so I usually appear to be the most maintained and beautiful out of the very few "males" to choose, and they can even show me off as a girl to some people. However I am severely antisocial and I usually pushed anyone who tried to be friends with me away. I was also far more often the target of ridicule from my peers rather than praise. If I am seen as a male most people see me as a faggot instead of a girl. Still, by now I have a fair deal of friends and I get complimented fairly often. I have had to drop quite a few people who I had problems trusting, sometimes I can't tell if people are really interested in me for me. They might want in my pants, they might want to bash me. Jokes on most people who try to get close to me under the assumption I am either a girl or a guy, I don't identify with anything, leaving me in the agendered pile with a few people here. I discovered who I was by spending a reclusive, antisocial life online only talking to people in Internet communities mostly. My personality was shaped by my experience here and only in circumstances like this here do I talk about who I really am. I don't need a gender for anything really.

I feel like I get more attention than my male NEET brothers, but I have suffered a lot and my families lack of support for me and everything else my decision to transition has put me through as solidified my status as a recluse and as someone with less advantages over all. My social situation is fucked and I do not see myself as fit for a job or school the way things have gone.


I don't mean this in any accusatory or mean way at all, but purely out of curiosity, why did you go through all the effort of becoming transgender if you view yourself as agender? If you don't view yourself as any specific gender, why conform yourself (at least physically) to the opposite of your biological sex? Wouldn't it have been easier to simply be viewed physically as a male?


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Ahhh, okay. That makes sense. I don't care about "being a certain gender" but am clearly female and thus "feminine", so I understand what you mean.

>pic related, it's how I show off my model body kek


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>I myself would love to be ogled at by tons of passing males (including figures of authority and people whom I'm told that I'm supposed to be able to trust), knowing that they're fantasizing about doing all sorts of perverted, disgusting things to my body – likely without my consent and without any thought of whether or not I'd enjoy it – without the slightest consideration of the fact that, despite my female body, I'm a human being just like them.

Yeach stuff like this is pretty much why I am scared of being seen as a female online or offline and I utterly despise myself as a female. I hate this shit so much and it's so fucking common but everyone keeps acting horrified when it's pulled back to be seen by everyone else. Every girl's got a horror story, some death threats, some catcalling, some borderline sexual assault, something. At least that's just my experience overhearing other women talk about the lovely, /awesome/ "attention" they get that anon seems to be jealous about.

Where I live, employees will physically refuse to allow me to use the changerooms in the male sections of stores, which means if I want to try on clothes I have to walk all the way to the other side of the store, sometimes on another floor to the "girl" section to try on new clothes. I'm pretty sure it sucks for dudes who want to try girly clothes too. Why is society so into separating the genders? Gender fluidity is becoming more and more prevalent, hell even the concept of gender as a gradient rather than a black/white is becoming more popular. I don't even know why these differences still remain as entrenched as they are.


> I don't even know why these differences still remain as entrenched as they are.

They are the foundational blocks of what constitutes a person. It's the first thing anyone ever says about a person (It's a girl! It's a boy!), it's 'inherent' in most language (he/she), nevermind languages like Spanish and French which assign a gender to things without it (le lit 'bed' masculine, la mesa 'table' feminine). It is/was the dividing line between so many jobs, hobbies, tastes, pieces of clothing, speaking styles, mannerisms, word choices, etc.
It's the basis for "correct" voice pitch, whether you keep your legs open or closed when you sit, how much you're allowed to talk before being considered rude, the proper length of your hair, and a million other crazy specific things.

Gender is so entrenched because gender is the trench.


Basically p. much what we've learned here is that women HATE sex but like relationships, and none of them would ever be interested in normies on OKC who are only interested in sex (wtf?).



My god, I met this girl on twitter and shes unlike anyone you've seen before. She tweets about gross stuff that usually only men do like pooping and having messy periods. She clearly gives zero fucks about what people think of her, and i cant believe it, but this makes me feel like i want to marry her. She's truly The One for me.


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>tfw no online qt3.14 gf


No, seriously, you'll only find shitheads on OKC, so attention you get there doesnt matter in the slightest bit *signs up for OKC anyway* Lol.


You can buy some cute clothes and care after your looks if you want to look slightly feminine in an attractive way, feelbro.

Please take heart, and try not to complain. Find a way. You do not have to feel feels - all you have to do is turn away from them. Envy is a sin. Do not let it take ahold of you!


>They are the foundational blocks of what constitutes a person.
All you give are reasons why people are forced into a black and white notion of gender and having it define their lives. J/s


I used to think I was transgendered, but as I got a taste of the female life I decided I liked some parts of it but not a lot of others. I like the way I look but I intentionally leave many elements of my male appearance.
I'm pretty sure telling you what changing room to use has been illegal for almost 10 years.
I know plenty of cis chicks who like sex, A LOT.


I'm already vaguely familiar with those aspects of your life but hearing a somewhat fuller account of them has been interesting, thanks.

>Jokes on most people who try to get close to me under the assumption I am either a girl or a guy, I don't identify with anything, leaving me in the agendered pile with a few people here. I discovered who I was by spending a reclusive, antisocial life online only talking to people in Internet communities mostly. My personality was shaped by my experience here and only in circumstances like this here do I talk about who I really am. I don't need a gender for anything really.

I can so most of that for myself as well, though I suppose it doesn't really matter if I don't feel some intense internal need to identify as anything because nobody else cares and I seem myself as being rather unapproachable and definitely not "cute". Still, it's nice to know there are people I can relate to
over it.

In a very general sense I would agree with this, but I don't really bother to pay it too much consideration.

I feel like there's some biting Swiftian tone behind this post that I'm not seeing.

I guess I could also say that about how I dress, but for some reason people keep mistaking me for a girl. It's kind of nice.


>Well, of course; who wouldn't be jealous (or envious, rather) of that? I myself would love to be ogled at by tons of passing males (including figures of authority and people whom I'm told that I'm supposed to be able to trust), knowing that they're fantasizing about doing all sorts of perverted, disgusting things to my body – likely without my consent and without any thought of whether or not I'd enjoy it – without the slightest consideration of the fact that, despite my female body, I'm a human being just like them.
You're being sarcastic, but that sounds awesome. Better than being invisible and worthless.


Sure is tumblr in here.


Just because tumblr has reasonable thoughts on gender doesn't mean other places can't~



>Better than being invisible and worthless.

Bullshit, being invisible would be the best thing that could ever happen to me.


>tumblr has reasonable thoughts on gender


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I didn't say that gender is literally what people are made of, I said that it is the basic defining factor in society.
I didn't give "reasons why", at best I gave the results of reasons, examples of gender being the trench, examples of how fundamental it is to our interactions and culture and etc.
Girls wearing pink and boys wearing blue is not a reason why people are forced into a black and white notion of gender and have it define their lives.
It is an example of that.
It is meant to illustrate that, as you said, gender is used to define lives. That's why gender is so entrenched. That's why it's so hard to change.

Is my point still unclear?

>She tweets about gross stuff that usually only men do like pooping and having messy periods.
>having messy periods
>only men


This so much. Men don't know how good they have it honestly. Like , seriously, I already have a boyfriend so keep your eyes to yrself


Also wtf is this thread? Is misogyny A Thing on uboachan now? If alternative expressions of gender upset you, that means your fedora is too tight and cutting circulation to yr brain. Kill  All  Men 



Do you realize this comment makes no sense?


Check your cis privilege, shitlord. I'm a transethnic (for all you cis scum that means I identify as African American even though this oppressive patriarchy labels me as Caucasian) websitefluid (identify with multiple websites) transcendentalgender (my gender is so unique it transcends the physical realm and exists solely as pure energy in the 5th dimension) fat-neutral (identify as both anorexic and obese even though this oppressive society labels me as morbidly obese) polypseciesist (am not human nor animal but a composite of everything from plants to single celled organisms and insects) and can confirm that tumblr is the most accurate place on gender issues in this oppressive shitlord world.


I honestly thought this thread would sink to this level about twice as fast as it did.
Nice work, I guess…


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>More sexist drama

It's happening.


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Listen here cumslut.
I'm an anti-trans-trans-non-un-ethnic omniagender panscoliorolioisgiggidtidiggityplatypus who is also semipsuedoatheistic and a mardigrasatanist (I identify as black around blacks and as white around whites and as mexian around southeast asians, but I was born a frog, and am now not an animal and also not alive; I do not believe in any gods except the ones which don't exist, which is none of them.)
I am neuromystical level 86 disabled-undisabled differently-abled with over 9000 terminal diseases.
I will wreck your fucking shit if you think for a single fucking second you have even the tiniest smidgeon of privilege less than I.
When I tell you to check your fucking privlige, you fucking check it, omnikyriachial scum.


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When you look up "privilege" in the dictionary, the only entry is a picture of me taken without my consent and the words "Everything but this.", as if I were not a human worthy of a "him/her/xir/xir/nir/ner/xin/rui/uifds/jdkgks/dsgiusde/sdoisi/sg4te5h/u89rg" pronoun.


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Goddammit I love you guys.




Are you saying women aren't funny? What the fuck why is that always they have that stupid thought that women are always on their period with bad mood and why on the goddamn earth can't it be only for one time a woman who made all those jokes are you serious I mean you know women are human beings too and they have humour too and you just say guys so casually you fucking disgusting macho man I really hope you get aids fucking those hoes in the street and when you finally made it down to the jail for all that rape you've made I hope you get you yourself raped like the fucking and disgusting machist pig you are. Mark my fucking words you are a stupid CUNT I REALLY HOPE YOU DIE IN A FUCKING FIRE

You know your mother is a woman too don't you respect her? For the love of our fucking god are you so stupid and blind you can't see all the shit you are you all I hope dicks get vanished from this world you all are cancer.



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Holy shit(lord) I can't fucking believe you just said that to me. Listen here, you oppressive pig; you literally just raped me and oppressed me with over 12520 different kinds of kyiarchical oppression that apply solely to me. Lights, words, colors, existence, and healthy food are all triggers for me so thanks for basically raping me twice. I'll have you know that I'm a post-timeist flan-sexual, so you just took me back to the time of slaves where I was literally raped with oppression, as well as in the future where my robot self (did I mention I'm transorganic, shitlord?) is oppressed. I'm also pantransfansanlanmandantancan-dimensional, and identify with every oppressed being alive in every dimension and every parallel universe, as well as all fictional beings and mythical monsters. I was also born trans-mortal and identify as the god of every religion. By the way, I only identify with the pronouns ὬὊ῁, ᵮᵯᵺ, ᴞᵮᵯ, ᵺᾖὬ῁, and ◌ุุุุ and if you use any others you better check your privilege before I do it for you.

There's literally not a single quantum strand in the multiverse I don't identify as and have thus been oppressed in every single way possible, so next time you come to me telling me you've experienced oppression, you better take a good hard look at your cis scum rapelord self and

pic related, it's me


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All you had to do was check your privilege but that was just too fucking much for you! Well guess what you motherfucking shiteating omnibitch megahyper allslut?
I don't exist! I am doubleplusunsecret secret-non-existant, in all non-realities and in no all-realities. Everything you do rapes me infinity times infinity times over. You are always raping me. Also, murder, you are murdering me. This conversation is murder, your posts are murder, your very existence is my rape and murder. Except maybe when you're CHECKING YOUR PRIVILEGE. There is no pronoun that can apply to the real true secretpsuedoactual me because I am beyond classification, and yet you try with every atom in your disgusting pig universe-self to label me and name me away. I refuse to be labelled! Existences like yourself have lorded your being over non-entities like myself and this will not continue! The very concept of you is oppressive against me, and I refuse to be crushed under, over, in, and around your stupid atomy moleculey bullshit any longer! And don't think I don't fucking know about your so-called "dark" matter, I see your disgusting abuse of language, which you also are, which is also oppressive against me! If you don't want to get fucked the fuck up you better fucking take a fucking moment to
because i know you have fucking Time! (Which is ALSO oppressive against me!)










Pic nonunrelated, it's me-not-me.


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Everything and nothing raping each other, I dunno if you can get more oppressed than this.


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You've done it. You've finally done it shitlord. You've oppressed me so much that there's literally no words that could ever convey how much you literally raped me with that post. You've transcended any form of language with this rape. This rape is so literal it became a metaphysical rape and you literally raped my soul. Literally, cis scum. I guess you didn't realize it since you're so busy fucking raping souls and oppressing people, but nothing is still something you motherfucking fucker. That's right, the absence of matter is still a noumenonical reality since existence precedes absence. Oh that's right, you wouldn't know about that because you're not a transdemi-mortal being like myself. That means that not only are you L I T E R A L L Y raping me by oppressing me with non-existence, but you're also me, who is literally fucking everything. That means that you are every single oppressor and rapist who has and ever will rape and oppress, which means ([{literally}]) every single oppression I ever experience, which is literally every rape and oppression that ever happens has been done by you. Oh but that's not all. Since literally every type of oppression that can ever be experienced is committed at sometime, you're every single person and object in existence too. So you want to tell me that I'm being oppressive? Why don't you fucking look in a fucking mirror and fucking see your fucking self as the fucking hyper-dimensional superposition of l.i.t.e.r.a.l.l.y every single oppressor and rapist in fucking existence. But not only are you every raper and oppressor. You're every raped and oppressed person. But since I am too that means we are the exact same person. That's fucking right, you cis scum shitlord. We've been raping and oppressing ourself the entire time. We're the cis scum. We're the shitlord.

pic related, it's us.


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>We're the cis scum. We're the shitlord.
And we are the privilege.

One can never truly check themself after one has been wrecking themself for so long.

There can be no end to our torment, our total omniversal oppression, our all-self cosmic rape.

This is it, you fucking white male heterosexual wealthy upper-upper-class 1%er privately-educated university-graduated able-bodied conventionally-attractive jew, who is also me, and literally everything else. This is it.


It really bothers me that girls never initiate.


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nice necro


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inb4 shitstorm


You need to meet more girls, anon. It's not nearly as common as males initiating, as it's considered not acceptable in many cases, but there are some who do.

….coincidentally, those who do are often narcissistic. Maybe you don't want that at all. Unless that's what you're into.


Eh, I actually met my girlfriend on a dating website and she is the most level-headed, honest and overall decent person I've ever come across (plus she's cute). She really isn't what most people expect from an "Internet date".

She's the one who actually initiated first contact. I wasn't often approached by women there (maybe 3 times in a month) but I had no trouble getting an answer from those I contacted first despite not having the typical jock profile, and I'm pretty sure that beats the tens of messages girls on these websites must receive every day, most of them from inane idiots or desperate guys looking for a quick fuck.

I'm quite good looking but I'm very introverted and bookish (basically the typical academic type) and that showed in my profile, both in the writing and the picture. I'm a jurist and I actually wrote my profile like the preamble in a statute, and my picture was me behind a stack of law books, so yeah.

The girls who tended to approach me were just like me, introverted bookish types, and they all told me they loved my writing style, and they all seemed very nice and as far as I could see, mentally stable. None of them were 10/10 bombshells but that wasn't what I was aiming for anyway. I made a point to be completely honest about myself, my qualities and flaws (including, when appropriate, disclosing my weed use) and I've been told that they could tell and that's why they were even speaking to me. I ended up going on just two dates, the second girl I met is my girlfriend. We've been together almost 2 years now.

I've seen on another imageboard a test where some guy made a fake typical alpha male/jock profile and he could get girls to agree to fuck, along with a phone number, in like 20 minutes. When I was younger I used to be salty about this because it is definitely 100% true that almost any girl, bar extreme ugliness, can basically get laid whenever she wants because of the Western courtship culture that still shoehorns males into doing all the legwork (girls must be seduced (they are hypergamous by nature), but guys don't really care), guys like me have a much harder time of it because I have zero sex appeal. My personality and attributes (honesty, extreme bluntness, stability, etc) make me great for long-term, serious relationships, but terrible for one nights and flings. Once I accepted that, I stopped caring.

Truth is, if you're looking for a serious relationship with a serious girl, it's not all that hard to get one since they will naturally be tempted by the context to scratch under the surface even if you aren't the alpha male type. You don't meet serious girls for serious relationships in bars or nightclubs. It's as it's always been…school, work, activity clubs.

I have my qualms about the Western relationship culture but that I am not flooded with attention like women is definitely not one of them. That I'm still expected to basically bribe women to talk to me is one. That if I ever get married (I will not), I will have to say "see you later" to any children plus pay alimony to the now ex-wife is another (don't bring up pre-nups, courts don't care about these). That 70% of divorces are initiated by women and that long-term relationships are now much more fickle than ever is yet another. The most egregious of all is that I'm still expected to be the breadwinner because men make more than women (because we take on lower quality of life, but higher paying jobs - the pay gap is a myth), which enters into the whole alimony stuff. Honestly, and I say this as a jurist, alimony should be completely scrapped.

Yes, women have an easier time getting friends, dates, sex, etc, but do you know where I, as a male, have a vastly easier time? I can go to a bar, drink alone and never be bothered if I want to. Try doing that as a woman. As a male, my personal space is my kingdom and it is respected. I hugely appreciate that as I value my solitude.



"Truth is, if you're looking for a serious relationship with a serious girl, it's not all that hard to get one since they will naturally be tempted by the context to scratch under the surface even if you aren't the alpha male type. You don't meet serious girls for serious relationships in bars or nightclubs. It's as it's always been…school, work, activity clubs."

I'm the same poster. I wanted to add that the Internet is, amazingly, another good option. I'm not American, so maybe it's a cultural thing, but girls don't use dating sites to get fucked here. That's what bars are for. I'm pretty sure the test I talked about wouldn't be very successful if it were done here. It also isn't a repertoire of broken goods and batshit crazy girls (although obviously they are there). Outside of the episode I am talking about, I had used a dating site before and I went on many more dates than the 2 I went on that time, and the women I met IRL were no better and no worse than any you'd meet on the street. Some lied about themselves, for example by magically putting on 50 pounds, some were uninteresting and devoid of any personality, some were bitches, some weren't very mentally stable even at first glance and some were genuine, good people with whom I'd give it a try…all of these I encountered dating women the "normal" way.

Additionally, they are usually very open with the fact that they're not looking for a fling, which has the benefit of making it so you're not wasting your time and that you're sure they're looking for something serious.

It's gotten to the point that I don't think I will bother with trying to meet girls any other way. It's simply more convenient to "shop around" online then meet up. That way, you're certain of her availability, you at least have an idea of what she's like and you're certain she does want to talk to you. Dating sites aren't a replacement for actual dating so I tend to quickly move to an IRL meeting. If you treat dating sites simply like a compendium of potentially interested women, I don't see why it's inferior to or even any different than trying your luck at work, at the martial arts club or at school.

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