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I have no problem with being a shut-in virgin for the rest of my life, but I start freaking out when I think of living like that at age 30 or beyond. How do I suppress my human instincts?


So you do or don't have a problem with being a shut-in virgin for the rest of your life?


Get a waifu.


Get a waifu


get a laifu


I'm 22 and already regret having spent my life in isolation, especially the university years that I used for wasting away on imageboards instead of forging bonds. Can't imagine how much worse it would feel at 30.

Is this what you really want? This way of life is so empty. There's never anyone to connect with. There's never anything to aspire to. Every day is a nightmare.

This is all real. It's downplayed and joked about but this is time you'll never get back. Maybe your instincts are leading you to a better place.


In theory, no, but something in my brain kicks in when I start thinking about being 30, 40, 50 years old and not talking to anyone or having reproduced.
Already do, and I think that feeds into it, because if she was real I would be able to start a family with her and all that.
Your results may vary, I've been doing it since I was 16 and it's still pretty fun.



>it's still pretty fun

And yet you bothered making this thread because there is some deep and profound part of the grey jelly that is you that does in fact know you'll feel incredibly fucking empty and underachieved. That won't go away, just get worse.

16321 is right, it's a shit life. More than that, it's a nonlife. Stagnation is about as akin to living death as anything else. You'll never get your years back. I sure as shit regret allowing some of mine to go. If you really feel more comfortable just trying to normalize this to yourself and trying to convince yourself it's okay, go ahead I guess, but the part of you that's flipping out knows all this.


I'm 23 and regret mine too, wasted a lot of years in isolation with no friends or anything to do.

I kinda want to be normal but I can't see it happening. I feel trapped.


It's not bad. beats the fuck out of actually working for a living.

Get laid at some point though it's not that hard lmao

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