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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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NEET's and technology go hand in hand. Some NEETs stay trendy and keep up with the best of the best software. Some NEETs have a computer older than most of the people who come here, and think Windows 95 is the pique of design.

So lets discuss what NEET gear everyone has and wants. Also bonus points if you are into engineering/programming/electronics and want to discuss that.

I recently built my first proper gaming PC, and I have a pretty good collection of consoles. I really love smartphones but I can't find a use for tablets. I have a thing for old cheap laptops.

My next big tech purchase is going to be a capture card. I'm into streaming and video editing as a hobby and always wanted to be able to record stuff off consoles.


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Nepgear worst nep.


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It fit the pun.


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I have a 5 year old laptop that's about to die, I'm looking to cop some cheap one and only have free software installed. I'm either going with Trisquel or Debian for my OS.
>Also bonus points if you are into engineering/programming/electronics and want to discuss that.
Vim is shit, gonna check out emacs today. If that doesn't work out I'm either going with nano or use python's IDE.


I've been getting into programming lately. Tried a Lua IDE with built in lessons. It's pretty nice.

Zerobrane Studio Lua IDE if you're into Lua.


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So far I've been using pyscripter but I want to be one of the cool kids
I've heard that Lua is basically the same thing like Python but way more easier. I might give it a try after I finish learning php and C


>I've heard that Lua is basically the same thing like Python but way more easier. I might give it a try after I finish learning php and C

OH god what are you doing!
PHP And C? And then lua?

PHP is fucking shit, anyone can tell you that.
C is not suitable for beginners language at all.
If anything you may start in lua, but beyond game developement its hardly used i think and it has nasty knacks there too.


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I already started out with python3. I want to learn php and C because pic related.
>If anything you may start in lua, but beyond game developement its hardly used i think and it has nasty knacks there too.
>game developement
Oh, I'm not that much into vidya, but I'd like to make a shitty visual novel at some point.


Well if the caption describes how you view yourself, well then go ahead, but it will only make it much worse, just you know.


Lua is just a scripting language. Meaning you'd have to do insane stunts to make it do more complicated stuff unlike object oriented programming. Then again you could just use an engine for lua. I think theres Love engine but I don't know how updated that is or if its even feasible to use.


Yeah if you want to go VN use LOVE if you do Lua. If you do python Ren'Py is great.

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