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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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> not an english mothertongue and not enough skilled to write a proper english
> therefore feeling lonely even on every other chan that could interest me
> totally unable to build any kind of relationshit in real life without lying even in small particulars such as my name, or my age because I'm too ashame of myself and I fear that other people could despise me as much as I do.
> can't focus on my math studies anymore
> having a familiar background full of shit
> thinking about suicide again for the whole day

what should I do, /n/?


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Post pictures of qt girls, they always cheer people up.


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> > thinking about suicide again for the whole day

Dont we all, you will just have to fight trough this and try to focus as hard as possible.


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Just keep your head up right?


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Hey, I like math (I am studying it in university).
It you want to study math together online you should let me know (email me at nacho5656@hotmail.com and I can give you my skype). It is a nice distraction from the real world sometimes, at least it is for me.

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