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/n/ - NEET

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I'm assuming the drop out rate among NEETS is higher than the average population.
If you don't mind I have a few questions.

1. Assuming you dropped out did you ever bother with the GED?

2. Was the test difficult and did you have to retake anything?

3. What did you use to study, and what advice would you give to help get prepared?

Thanks, pic unrelated.


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1. Yes, I have a GED.
2. The test was not difficult for me, but it took me longer to have a chance to take the actual test than I thought it would because of all the obnoxious red tape blocking the GED test off. At least this was the case for me.
3. I did not study independently. I was forced into an adult education program to take the test, even though I did not want to be there. I also think the education center was of dubious benefit, and the test was pretty easy.


i took the CHSPE, california high school proficiency exam, after losing interest in high school in junior year, i went from 3.8 gpa to 1.5 by the end of the year

skipped senior year

then was NEET for a couple months, then community college, dropped out of two, tried working got fired, went to a 3rd CC and was successful then got sick and am shutin again

test was easy as piss, can't remember what was on it though

didn't study at all

heh sorry this isn't much help…


1. Assuming you dropped out did you ever bother with the GED?
no, I was attempting to get my AA degree from a community college, it failed miserably and now I'm faced with GED/online diploma.

as a result of this i can't answer the other questions. I'm only really posting this to advise others not to do what I did. community college is not a valid substitute for a high school diploma. they'll tell you it's easier but it is much more troubling than it appears.


I have a GED. I took a preparation class because doing so waived the fee for the test, but the class was honestly well below the level of the test, like 3rd grade level. I didn't study at all. I did almost perfectly on the reading and writing part of the test, but I only barely passed the math. I'm absolutely terrible at math which is part of the reason I dropped out in the first place.


1. Yes, got my GED. I dropped out when I was a freshman in high school.

2. No and no. It's all pretty basic.

3. I didn't study for anything on the actual GED test, though my state requires that


you pass the constitution test. I already did this in 8th grade but apparently it didn't count. Anyways, I didn't have to study that much because I retained a lot of information from then (and considering how long ago that was, it's very surprising). I actually thought I was going to fail that part. I got lucky, I think.


OP here, I feel bad I've been wasting so much time doing nothing so I've started working on my GED again.
I guess I'll post my thoughts on the sections in case anyone else was thinking about getting theirs.

practice test score: 169/200
actual test score: 163/200

It felt pretty easy and it could probably be taken quite easily without studying, but most of the questions(to me) seemed to have subjective answers.

practice test score: 172/200
actual test score: 177/200

It was pretty easy as well but with more clear cut answers, very little of it was new with my 10th grade education.

Social studies:
practice test score: 177/200

I haven't taken it yet but it seems like a shorter English test.


I didn't study for the GED at all and scored in the 99th percentile

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