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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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As the subject implies, I'm interested in NEET media: films, books, anime, whatever.

We all know about Welcome to the N.H.K., so let's just get that out of the way right now.

For films, I can offer Ima, Boku Wa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slK7bNHIvZY

And for books I can offer Oblomov, No Longer Human, and Notes from Underground.

The characters don't necessarily have to be NEET in the true definition of the word, but if that's the case there should be NEET-centric themes, like isolation, depression, anxiety, and other such negative things.

Since NEEThood isn't all bad, media portraying happy NEETs is welcome too.


Densha Otoko.




What does that stand for? I'm only getting results for universities.


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Can't tell.


Hunger by Knut Hamson.
Last Life in the Universe, kinda.


Misses Dalloway discusses a lot of things neets have issues with, like how they feel their lives have been wasted.

Dalloway, as a housewife, isn't the same as a neet. But she shares a lot of your problems.


>isolation, depression, anxiety, and other such negative things
First thing that comes to mind is Eva. It fits this description, but it doesn't go well with the theme of NEETness.

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