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Test - http://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/dotest.php
Descriptions of health levels for each type - https://acoarecovery.wordpress.com/?s=9+LEVEL

Something similar to MBTI, though in my experience Enneagram is more complex and deals a lot with the ugly parts of a personality. Of course as most things like this, Enneagram is difficult to validate scientifically, but it still is quite accurate in most cases and can be used as a method for self-understanding and self-development.

Post, discuss results and have fun with the theory if you find it interesting.


Type 6 (the Loyalist) with 5 wing

This is uncannily accurate.


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>You are most likely a type 5. Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6.
>Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator
>Enneagram Type 6 - The Loyalist

Eh, it seems fairly accurate from my perspective, but who knows, since our vision of ourselves is always distorted…


> You are most likely a type 4. Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 4w5.
> Enneagram Type 4 - The Individualist
> Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator

This is a really interesting test. Seems fairly accurate. I agree with >>14702 that it really delves into the darker aspects of personality.


Tested again this time using the test that doesn't use instinctual variant process or whatever.

Same result.


>>14706 here, second test gave this (again):
>You are most likely a type 5 (the Investigator)
The only exception is
>with balanced wings
>Self-preservation variant
Type 5 SP
Type 6 SP
Type 4 SO
Type 9 SX
Type 1 SX
Type 7 SP
Type 8 SP
Type 3 SX
Type 2 SP


Seems like I am a "Peacemaking Reformer"(9w1). Hopefully there are other people like me out there.


>It is not possible to determine your type and wing.


The rumored chosen one has appeared.


Obviously tests aren't absolute, they give you some hints but if it still doesn't seem accurate to you then you should look at basic desires/fears of each type. This link might give you some more insight; http://www.whale.to/v/script.html

Many people have a problem with figuring out their enneagram since you need to know yourself well and be honest with the answers. It rquires knowing your worst qualities and accepting them.


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>Many people have a problem with figuring out their enneagram since you need to know yourself well and be honest with the answers. It rquires knowing your worst qualities and accepting them.

Yeah, I know, I just said that I don't think they're perfect, as stated in OP. I also don't trust internet tests too much (moreso considering the "IM A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE INTP!!!11 Xd" trend that aroused lately), so that adds to the factor too.

From the chart it seems to fit type 5 again. Not much to say about it.


exact same results. feels completely accurate too.

>Psychotic states: Annihilating behavior. Becomes increasingly eccentric and isolated.


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"You are most likely a type 4.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 4w5."

Can't say I disagree.
It fits me well.



I got the same result (Type 9w1) on both tests. Sounds pretty accurate for me.


I think some of the descriptions are wholly meant for the extreme cases and don't leave room for lukewarm persons. I got 3w4 / 4w3 almost the exact same numbers, but didn't feel like the extremes applied to me. After reading the description set on http://www.whale.to/v/script.html I can see how I fit into the two categories on the non-extreme side,


(Same poster)
Given that I'm a pathological liar I can't really fight with the ID -.-


You can't really say if they apply to you if you've never been in unhealthy states (levels 7-9), which in my opinion takes quite a lot to get there. 'Lukewarm people' how you called it would be pretty much average people so they'd be levels 4-6.


Forgot to add that the behavioral characteristics listed on descriptions don't need to always apply, because Enneagram is about underlying motivations. Behavior might be helpful in figuring things out a bit, but it all comes down to fears/dsires.


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>I think some of the descriptions are wholly meant for the extreme cases and don't leave room for lukewarm persons.
Dude what, this isn't a diagnosis for mental disorders or personality problems, it's just a type test. There are no "extreme" or "normal" in personality types. You only tend to draw towards one side more than the others, but that type still applies to you nonetheless. So there are no "extremes" to begin with.
If the behavior doesn't apply to you just check the motive and there you have it.


Enneagram Test Results

You are most likely a type 6.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 6w5.

No personality test is completely accurate. Although several measures were taken to make this test as accurate as possible, there's always a chance that you are not typed correctly by it. Therefore, when deciding which Enneagram type and wing you are, you might also want to consider the types with the highest test scores on the lists below.

(Note that your lowest scores may be omitted.)
Type 6 - 12
Type 4 - 10
Type 1 - 8.1
Type 2 - 7.7
Type 9 - 7.7
Type 5 - 6.4
Type 7 - 4.4

Wing 6w5 - 15.2
Wing 6w7 - 14.2
Wing 4w5 - 13.2
Wing 5w6 - 12.4
Wing 1w2 - 12
Wing 1w9 - 12
Wing 9w1 - 11.8
Wing 2w1 - 11.8
Wing 4w3 - 11.5
Wing 5w4 - 11.4
Wing 7w6 - 10.4
Wing 2w3 - 9.2
Wing 9w8 - 8.7
Wing 7w8 - 5.4

Enneagram Test with Instinctual Variant results

You are most likely a type 4 (the Individualist)
with balanced wings

Self-preservation variant

Type 4 SP
Type 6 SP
Type 1 SP
Type 3 SX
Type 5 SX
Type 8 SX
Type 9 SP
Type 2 SP
Type 7 SO


Introduction to the Enneagram
Type descriptions
SP = Self-preservation instinct
SX = Sexual instinct
SO = Social instinct

The list shows how likely it is that you are each enneagram type.

Most people will be the type at the top of the list, however, your actual personality type might be somewhat lower in it (usually it's in the top 3). Your instinctual variant is most likely the one indicated next to your actual type.


Type 5 - 11.7
Type 1 - 8.7
Type 6 - 8
Type 8 - 6.1
Type 4 - 4.7

Wing 5w6 - 15.7
Wing 5w4 - 14.1
Wing 6w5 - 13.9
Wing 4w5 - 10.6
Wing 1w9 - 9.6
Wing 6w7 - 8.9
Wing 1w2 - 8.7
Wing 8w9 - 7
Wing 8w7 - 7
Wing 4w3 - 4.9

I get the feeling that type 5 will be most common here.


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If I have a realatively realistic self-image and not an idealized one, then I have personality type 4 or 4w5, of the less-healthy variant (levels 7-9) it seems. That sucks.

ALTHOUGH, I think being around people at work typically makes me go down the scale, to slightly healthier levels. I'm not exactly sure.

Also, those tags:
>12-step, ACoAs, al-anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism, astrology, (…)

Heh, astrology. Are enneagrams really used in Adult Children of Alcoholics and al-anon? It would be interesting if they were. My grandmother encouraged me to go, saying al-anon meetings really helped her in the past. Maybe I could benefit from those, since my mother abandoned my father and took me with her when I was young because of the latter's alcohol addiction. I would really give it a shot, if I weren't so terrified of others.

And isn't my longing for uniqueness the reason why I go to small image boards such as this one? Yeah, I think that makes sense. But I still alienate myself from other users by feeling like I don't belong. It's a feeling I can't shake. It all seems to fit quite nicely.


>I get the feeling that type 5 will be most common here.

Yeah, that's what I figured out. Along with 4s, 6s and some 9s. The rest of the types are much less likely.


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You are most likely a type 6.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 6w7.

Type 6 - 13.3
Type 4 - 9.7
Type 7 - 8.7
Type 3 - 8.4
Type 2 - 8.4
Type 9 - 7.4
Type 5 - 6.7

Wing 6w7 - 17.7
Wing 6w5 - 16.7
Wing 7w6 - 15.4
Wing 4w3 - 13.9
Wing 5w6 - 13.4
Wing 3w4 - 13.3
Wing 4w5 - 13.1
Wing 2w3 - 12.6
Wing 3w2 - 12.6
Wing 5w4 - 11.6
Wing 2w1 - 9.3
Wing 7w8 - 9.2
Wing 9w1 - 8.3
Wing 9w8 - 7.9

Not sure what a lot of this means, but I hope it isn't tooooooooo bad… I came to terms with the fact I'm garbage long ago, so I'm confident I answered truthfully..!


I wonder how accurate it is, given this is all filtered by the way I see myself and it's not objective. The things I read though, especially about the paranoid-hysteric stuff, is a hundred percent accurate, I'm sure.

Wing 6w5 - 12.3
Wing 6w7 - 11.1
Wing 4w3 - 10.1


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>You are most likely a type 6.
>Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 6w5.

Type 6 - The Loyalist

I guess that sounds right.


>You are most likely a type 4 or 5.

Who knows.


Sounds about right actually.


Type 4 - 12
Type 2 - 10.3
Type 6 - 10
Type 8 - 8.7
Type 3 - 5
Type 5 - 3.7

Wing 4w3 - 14.5
Wing 4w5 - 13.9
Wing 2w3 - 12.8
Wing 6w5 - 11.9
Wing 6w7 - 11.2
Wing 3w4 - 11
Wing 2w1 - 10.7
Wing 3w2 - 10.2
Wing 8w7 - 9.9
Wing 5w4 - 9.7
Wing 8w9 - 9.6
Wing 5w6 - 8.7

here, have the annoying string of stuff that followed


You are most likely a type 5.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6.

Scary accurate after reading the Enneagram Type descriptions.


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Type 6 masterrace.


These tests have some questions that always make me go for the middle answer "partly" because of how vague they are, without specifying at least a little the context/situation.
No wonder I got different results doing it two times.
Got 9w1 1st try and 7w6/5w6 (the grades were similar) on the 2nd.

A bizarre thing on 9 type description:
> Intellectual Nines, especially males, frequently mistype as Fives, but Fives are intellectually contentious whereas Nines are conciliatory and conflict avoidant.
I don't see how one excludes the other. Why can't a 9 be intellectually contentious? o - 0
I mean, debating and creating arguments about random subjects isn't really creating conflict. Why there can't be a 5w9? The fact that wings need to be close to the main type seems really arbitrary.
Fun test though, interesting alternative to MBTI.


Because type 9 is a Peacemaker that always avoids conflict if it's possible. Their underlying motivation is to have a peace of mind, so they try to make their surroundings harmonious. They're often mediatiors in groups, bringing people together. Type 5 wouldn't care about that much, he would rather show his competency even if it meant an argument with someone.


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"You are most likely a type 6.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 6w5."

"You are most likely a type 4 (the Individualist) with 5 wing

Self-preservation variant"

If I'm being totally honest with myself, I think it's a horrific mashup of all of them.


What if the peace of mind from 9 isn't disturbed by arguments about science or something of the like, which 5 likes? Discussions aren't destructive conflict, nobody is getting hurt or mad at each other. So one shouldn't exclude the other.

It could be worse, hehe.


It doesn't matter if it's destructive or not. 9's ideal world is without any kind of conflict. At most 9's can get passive-aggressive if faced with an argument they feel they can't ignore. But this is a plain 9, there are also subtypes(9w1, 9w8), which show differences in how they handle conflict etc.


Hmm, but how would the alternative I described fit in the enneagram? A 5 that avoids all conflicts other than intellectual ones. There is no 5w9 type, which would seem to suit the description.


Because they're actually very different from each other and their traits don't blend together. Your core type+wing can be only from one of the triads. You're either a 2,3,4(heart traid), 5,6,7(head triad) or 8,9,1(gut triad). If you relate strongly both to 5 and 9 then look into tritype theory.


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Oooh. This tritype theory feels the gap I was talking about. Now the enneagram personality theory makes much more sense in my eyes. Thank you!
If anyone thinks that the results aren't satisfying, I suggest to look at this tritype theory as well.


mine is 6w5.
Type 6 - The Loyalist :Conflicted between trust and distrust
Type 5 - The Investigator :Thinkers who tend to withdraw and observe
it seems pretty accurate. lmao.

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