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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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Hey NEET need some advice

>Got caught skipping classes today, School pissed off at me.

>Do this often.
>Feeling shit constantly, grades getting worse. I don't even bother to study much anymore.
>No hobbies, not interested in much.
>Have online GF but she doesn't talk to me much anymore
>Have a few friends but don't see them much
>Hate life, mind is becoming worse
>Trying to seek help but hard to find
>Sit around all day doing fuck all.
>Just want to drop out of life completely

What do I do? do I become a NEET or just carry on the way I am and hope for the best?


Being neet is not fun at all usually.
I would recommend hanging in there unless you are positively sure that it is not going get better in which case there is no sense torturing yourself.

Good luck.


I was pretty much exactly in your situation when I was still in school. Don't drop out.

Help might be hard to find, and might not be effective, but even a 80% chance of failure leaves 20% of success. You are guaranteed to only fall deeper and become more miserable if you do nothing to change how things are, which is the trap most NEETs fall into. Find a good therapist and work from there.


I am following this advice right now, still enrolled in school and going to therapy. Its helped a bit, but the way to think about it is not that you are just adding school and therapy. The things you do to improve your life give you things that additionally improve your life. Help yourself, yo.


>Got caught skipping classes today, School pissed off at me.
>Have online GF but she doesn't talk to me much anymore
kill yrself badass(Don't be a fuckwit.)



I've been referred to some Clinic by my Doctor, luckily the school gave me a slap on the wrist. But I don't think I'll considering heading into NEETdom unless my issues get worse.


you will regret dropping out for the rest of your life. if you drop out, you will wish you had a time machine to go back to today. mark my words, anon. stay in school.


people are most likely than not in your side, everyonewants you to succeed. I was stupid not to see that when i was in school.


This is a little simplistic. It isn't like you can't go back at any age. I think (disregarding depression and other circumstances) one of the things that prevents people going back is fear of an ageism that really isn't present. I studied physics at the same time as a guy who was in his sixties. He was probably the most enthusiastic student in the cohort and got along well with people. Maybe he regretted the lost years or maybe that's the wrong way to think about them. He seemed happy though. Most older people do, though it could just be that life is a war of attrition that kills sad people first.

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