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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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should i give in and become a wageslave or should i go for NEETBUX?

im 20 and afraid of responibility and commitment to something like a job but im trying to move out of my parents house and my friends would probably berate me for doing that while being a neet.

what do you think i should do?


become a whore instead


ive always wanted to do that, but to be honest i have no idea where to start

im kind of a socially inep and i would only ever appeal to a very niche market


Im sure you can advertise on sites and arrange 'gigs' over email or something.


If you have a choice, get work or study, by all means. Many of us became neets because we actually couldn't function sufficiently to do those things.

It gets old really fast, and getting out of the hole of apathy you dug yourself into is really hard.


We had this thread a good bunch of times.
Also this >>14234


Wage slavery implies that you're stuck with no way out. Sure, in the beginning you likely won't have a choice but to work shitty minimum wage jobs. However, so long as you self-educate, learn a skill, or study in your time off work, and you keep at it every day… combined with being open to opportunities and new experiences… you have a chance to get something better in the future. You should absolutely try facing your fears. It's going to suck, but you will be slowly moving forward in life, as opposed to stagnating.

Unrelated, but we should really have a continuation of the work/studying thread for former and non-NEETs. The current one has reached the post limit and can no longer be bumped.

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