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Do you ever pretend it's a different time as a self-comforting method?

I often pretend it's 2013 because back then I had someone who loved me, and half-decent living conditions. I don't have any of that anymore, but I like to imagine I do.


Sort of. I deliberately don't think about the past or the future for that very purpose. As if time was of no consequence, in a way.


When it's late autumn and all the leaves are gone, I like to pretend it's the end of winter and spring is almost there.


No but I lie about how old I am and pretend I'm that age. Since I look really young I can pull it off. I usually go two years back for every one year so I'm 21 now and I say I'm 19 lol.



I say i'm a different age so I can drink heavily if that counts


I pretend it's 2010 so I can post shitty memes


I pretty much stopped physically and mentally aging since I was around 13-14. Feels like I've got aspegers at this point, but yeah. 2010.

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