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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement
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hey there guys i know its probably really early for me to be assuming this but, i believe my life is heading down the neet path im 17 and my family is over expecting as they think for some reason im intelligent. however i get really shit grades and beyond high school i have no abilities or qualities an employer would want. so hows the neet life ?


Take a look around older topics and you get a better idea.
But to sum it up its very depressing, but you still have a chance.
Dont let yourself get dragged into this if you can, but also do not blame yourself if you will.
And now i can judge your intellignece but grades nor abilities mean intelligence.
Being 17 you still can achive many skills and abilities, its a shame this society rushes people into things.


*And now i cant judge your intelligence …

Correction, what a difference a t can make in english.


I wasn't a NEET for very long but I can tell you that it's probably not what you're looking for
Yeah, working sucks and I fucking hate it but I started to hate myself when I was a NEET and it's not a fun feeling
Even having a part time job can help a lot since I did that for about half a year but at least you can help out a little at home and still say you have a job


Thanks for the all the responses I plan for myself to not become one however if the time were to come I'm just gonna breed pets with my family. it not much but itll be something

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