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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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What if a solar event caused all teh civilian interwebz to go out simultaneously worldwide, and all NEETs and hikkis were left without access to our beloved telecom-meth? Imagine…


Suicide etc.

For a more serious anwser, its not like we would be the worst effected, for good or bad who can say.


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Without the internet normies wouldn't be able to communicate indirectly, there'd be a social revolution as people once again realized they hate eachother. City streets would be overrun with people once more, recreational facilities and parks become packed, older forms of entertainment and sport return.
The global economy recovers overnight. globalized corporations would collapse and the status quo would be disbanded. Massive social reforms would take place, government would become smaller as a return to physical media complicates mass micro-governance. Jobs that were previously automated or obsolete open up across the world. Manufacturing returns to the west.
Hikkikomori and NEETs across the world find niches in society, those who do not either commit suicide, become normies or metamorph into asocial classic style otaku; they collect in pockets and have anime sessions in basements and retail stores. Having no real ties to eachother, but interacting to preserve their way of life.

tl;dr the 80's returns


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All world governments collapse, the entire banking system ceases to exist, and whoever has downloaded the most porn onto their computer becomes King.


Bring back monasticism while there's still time!


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>ITT the world, neets, and general lifeforms never existed before teh interwebz


I might get around to actually reading a book for a change. I would have 14 extra hours per day. Then again, I wouldn't have access to all the books in the world like I do now—only the ones in libraries near me. I couldn't go and live in the country away from people because I would also be away from information. Maybe I would just kill myself.


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